
The program aims to quickly investigate a bunch of IPs using OSINT using LogRhythm metadata exported from the web console

Primary LanguagePython


The program aims to quickly investigate a bunch of IPs using OSINT.

It is intended to work with a csv file that contains the IP addresses you would like to check against OSINT, specifically the raw LogRhythm logs you can export from the Web Console. It will produce a csv with the results in the same directory as the input file. I highly advise to not change anything in the csv logs you get from LogRhythm since the program will validate the content to make sure only valid IP addresses are investigated and it will remove duplicates.

At this moment AbuseIPDB is implemented and I am looking into how to integrate other OSINT better.

AbuseIPDB API has a limit of 60 requests per minute which means I had to intentionally slow down requests to the minimum necessary time to prevent exceeding this (Don't worry I did the math). Additionally you can only do a maximum of 1000 requests per day though the program will stop if it detects you have gone above your quota and write the results so far.


You will need to obtain your own API key from AbuseIPDB by creating an account. Then go to your account > API Settings and here you will find your API key. Now open the file in this project named app/api_keys and replace the string YOUR_KEY_GOES_HERE with your key. Do not remove the ticks ( ' ) present before and after your key.

How to use it

There are three ways of running the program: natively, using docker or a virtual machine


Follow the instructions under Using a Virtual Machine > Requirements


All logs should be downloaded and placed in the following directory /path/to/this/project/osint_checker/logs/

Ensure that you have Docker installed. If you are using MacOS, ensure that XQuartz is installed.

Open a terminal and change directory to /path/to/this/project/osint_checker.

Here you can use the provided bash script with the command bash run.sh -I to check for addresses found in the Impacted column Alternatively do bash run.sh -O to check for addresses found in the Origin column. Both option will open a windows to let you choose the file you would like to upload for investigation.

If this is the first time this is executed it will setup the container and the next time it will be faster.

Using a Virtual Machine

The instructions found here are for Virtual Box.

If you have trouble using docker then this solution will work since there are dependencies that need to be installed. Additionally you should enable shared folders between guest and host so you can just download logs in the host, run the program from the guest, and the results will be placed in the host. I explain how to do this later.


In your VM:

The first step is making sure you have python. Run the following from the command line.

sudo apt-get install update
sudo apt-get install python
sudo apt-get install python-tk
sudo apt-get install python-pip

Then change directory in the command line to the directory in which this project is located and type

sudo pip install -r requirements.txt

How to use

From the command line run python osint_cheker.py -I to check for addresses found in the Impacted column Alternatively run python osint_cheker.py -O to check for addresses found in the Origin column. Both option will open a windows to let you choose the file you would like to upload for investigation.

Make sure you are in the directory /path/to/osint_cheker/apps/ Otherwise it will throw an erro like python: can't open file 'osint_checker.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory

Virtual Machine tips

As I said before I advise to run this from a virtual machine. Make sure you have installed guest additions in order to have bidirectional clipboard, shared folders, etc.

To enable your shared folder do the following in the Host (this is for Virtual Box):

  1. In Virtual Box Manager > Settings > Shared Folder > Add new shared folder (little folder icon with green + icon)
  2. Choose the folder in your host that you would like to share. This folder will be referred as foo onwards
  3. Tick make permanent and click ok

In your Guest OS you will need to mount the folder logs found in this project and the one from the Host

sudo mount -t vboxsf -o rw,uid=1000,gid=1000 foo /path/to/this/project/osint_checker/logs/

Make sure you replace foo with the correct name. Do not use spaces in the names unless you are more familiar with the command line.

When you shutdown your vm I suggest saving the state of the machine instead of anything else so you can access it later faster.