
Light weight thread library

Primary LanguageMakefileBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause

MassiveThreads - a Lightweight Thread Library for High Productivity Languages

Verion 1.00 19 December, 2019

API reference

Supported Systems

Massivethreads is mainly developed and tested on the following environment:

CPU OS OS ver. compiler compiler ver.
x86_64 Linux 4.4 GCC 5.4.0
x86_64 Darwin 12.6 Clang 503.0.40
Sparc64IXfx Linux GCC

Other versions are likely to work.

Combinations that are known NOT to work include

CPU OS OS ver. compiler compiler ver.
Sparc64IXfx Linux FCC

Quick test

git clone git@github.com:massivethreads/massivethreads.git
cd massivethreads
./configure --prefix=PREFIX CFLAGS="-Wall -O3"
make install
cd tests
make build
make check

How to build MassiveThreads library

After you make install,

$ ./configure --prefix=PREFIX
$ make
$ make install

you will find ${PREFIX}/lib/libmyth.so and ${PREFIX}/include/myth/myth.h, among some other things, where ${PREFIX} needs to be replaced by what you specified to --prefix.

How to use MassiveThreads library from your program

MassiveThreads provides three APIs to use, native intefrace, pthread-compatible interface, and TBB-like interface.

Native interface (libmyth.so)

The native interface provides MassiveThreads functionalities. To use native interface, please include myth/myth.h and specify include path, library path, and shared library like this:

$ gcc -o foo foo.c -I${PREFIX}/include -L${PREFIX}/lib -Wl,-R${PREFIX}/lib -lmyth 

(-I, -L, -Wl,-R options are not necessary when you install it in the system path, such as /usr)


  • libmyth.so used to wrap some system functions such as pthread and malloc. Version 0.97 ceased doing so, as it has often been a source of troubles. libmyth does not define any function of a name normally found in system libraries.
  • as a result, programs using malloc will experience poor scalability.
  • as of now, we recommend using popular scalable malloc libraries such as tcmalloc.
  • we are considering reviving our own malloc replacement and providing a variety of options in our future release.

Pthread-compatible interfaces

If the configure detects a linker supporting --wrap option, it builds a library libmyth-ld.so. If the configure detects that dlopen is supported, it builds a library libmyth-dl.so. Both libraries wrap pthread functions and replace them with similar massivethreads functions. For example, pthread_create now behaves like myth_create.


Recent GCC (GNU linker, more precisely) supports --wrap=FUNC option. If this option is passed to linker, all references to symbol FUNC now refer to __wrap_FUNC, and all references to __real_FUNC now refer to FUNC in system libraries. For example, if you pass --wrap=pthread_create, then a reference to pthread_create in your program now refers to __wrap_pthread_create. libmyth-ld wraps many system functions in this way.

In order to use this version, you should pass --wrap=FUNC options for all functions wrapped by MassiveThreads. For your convenience, you can give myth-ld.opts file using @ option of GNU linker, found under src/ directory of MassiveThreads. myth-ld.opts lists all --wrap options wrapped by MassiveThreads.

To summarize, you can uses libmyth-ld.so as follows.

$ gcc -o foo @myth-ld.opts foo.c -I${PREFIX}/include -L${PREFIX}/lib -Wl,-R${PREFIX}/lib -lmyth-ld

where we assume you copied myth-ld.opts from the src/ directory of your MassiveThreads installation.


libmyth-dl.so also wraps pthreads functions, but by using dlopen instead of linker options. It defines pthread_create, etc. and loads the original pthread_create (in libpthread.so) using dlopen and dlsym. Unlike libmyth-ld.so, you don't need a special linker flag.

This is more convenient and simpler to use, but it tends to cause problems when used with other libraries that also try to wrap system functions (most often malloc). If you use such libraries (e.g., jemalloc, tcmalloc, etc.) the best bet is to use the plain libmyth.so or libmyth-ld.so.

Using environmental variables such as LD_PRELOAD, existing binaries using pthreads can be executed on MassiveThreads like this:

$ LD_PRELOAD=${PREFIX}/lib/libmyth-dl.so ./a.out

Summary of libraries prior to 0.97 and onward

In the table below, "define system functions" mean the library wrap some of pthread functions (e.g., pthread_create), memory allocating functions (e.g., malloc, calloc, etc.) and IO functions (e.g., recv, send, etc.) and replace them with user-level implementations.

name 0.97 and forward prior to 0.97
libmyth-native.so N/A define only native functions
libmyth-compat.so N/A define only system functions
libmyth.so define only native functions define both native and system functions
libmyth-ld.so define some system functions with --wrap=... option of gnu linker N/A
libmyth-dl.so define some system functions with dlopen/dlsym N/A

TBB-like interface

TBB-like interface provides an API compatible with task_group of Intel Threading Building Block. For more information, please see docs/mtbb_api.txt .

Runtime configuration

Setting the number of worker threads

MassiveThreads creates worker thraeds based on the process affinity. Thus you can control the number of worker threads and CPU cores used by 'taskset' command. Environmental variable MYTH_NUM_WORKERS (or MYTH_WORKER_NUM for backward compatibility) can also be used to change the number of worker threads (= # of CPU cores used). By default, MassiveThreads uses all the CPU cores found in the machine.

Setting the default stack size

Setting environmental variable MYTH_DEF_STKSIZE (in bytes), you can change the default stack size. By default, MassiveThreads uses 16KB as a default stack size.


If you have any question, please ask the following address.



MassiveThreads is distributed under 2-clause BSD license. See COPYRIGHT for details.

About library names

"myth" is the initial codename of MassiveThreads and no more special meaning other than it.