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世界上第一本 PyTorch 1 纸质教程书籍


本书讲解神经网络设计与 PyTorch 应用。


  • 第 1 章和第 2 章:厘清神经网络的概念关联,利用 PyTorch 搭建迷你 AlphaGo,使你初步了解神经网络和 PyTorch。
  • 第 3~9 章:讲解基于 PyTorch 的科学计算和神经网络搭建,涵盖几乎所有 PyTorch 基础知识,涉及所有神经网络的常用结构,并通过 8 个例子使你完全掌握神经网络的原理和应用。
  • 第 10 章和第 11 章:介绍生成对抗网络和增强学习,使你了解更多神经网络的实际用法。



Application of Neural Network and PyTorch

The First Hard-copy Tutorial Book on PyTorch 1

Application of Neural Network and PyTorch is an introductory tutorial on artificial neutral networks. It covers the fundamental theory of tensors and artificial neutral networks, as well as the implementation with PyTorch API.

  • Theory: Without preparatory knowledge of advanced mathmatics, this book leverages the concept of tensor to efficiently cover all important theoretics basis on neural networks.
  • Practice: This book leads you to deploy the latest version of PyTorch in your favorate OS (Windows, macOS, or Linux), and use the concise PyTorch APIs to build neural networks for your application in a super easy way.


 title     = {Application of Neural Network and {PyTorch}},
 author    = {Zhiqing Xiao},
 year      = 2018,
 month     = 8,
 publisher = {China Machine Press},