This repository is the implementation of our paper "Facial Action Unit Detection Using Attention and Relation Learning". The code is mainly borrowed from JAA-Net.
Dependencies for Caffe are required
The new implementations in the folders "src" and "include" should be merged into the official Caffe:
- Add the .cpp, .cu files into "src/caffe/layers", except "modified_permutohedral.cpp" should be moved into "src/caffe/util/"
- Add the .hpp files into "include/caffe/layers", except "modified_permutohedral.hpp" and "tvg_util.hpp" should be moved into "include/caffe/util/"
- Add the content of "caffe.proto" into "src/caffe/proto"
- Add "tools/convert_data.cpp" into "tools"
New implementations used in our paper:
- division_layer: divide a feature map into multiple identical subparts
- combination_layer: combine mutiple sub feature maps
- multi_stage_meanfield_au3 and meanfield_iteration: fully-connected conditional random field
- lp_norm_layer and cosine_similarity_loss_layer: cosine similarity loss for AU intensity estimation
- sigmoid_cross_entropy_loss_layer: the weighting for the loss of each element is added
- euclidean_loss_layer: used for AU intensity estimation: weighting the loss of each element, and setting the gradient as zero when the corresponding AU label is missing.
- convert_data: convert the AU labels and weights to leveldb or lmdb
Build Caffe
The 3-fold partitions of both BP4D and DISFA can be found here
- Prepare the training data
- Run "prep/face_transform.cpp" to conduct similarity transformation for face images
- Run "prep/combine2parts.m" to combine two partitions as a training set, respectively
- Run "prep/write_AU_weight.m" to compute the weight of each AU for the training set
- Run "tools/convert_imageset" of Caffe to convert the images to leveldb or lmdb
- Run "tools/convert_data" to convert the AU labels and weights to leveldb or lmdb: the weights are shared by all the training samples (only one line needed)
- Our method is evaluated by 3-fold cross validation. For example, “BP4D_combine_1_2” denotes the combination of partition 1 and partition 2
- Modify the train_val prototxt files:
- Modify the paths of data
- A recommended training strategy is that selecting a small set of training data for validation to choose a proper maximum iterations and then using all the training data to retrain the model
- AU detection
cd model
- AU intensity estimation
- Trained models on BP4D with 3-fold cross-validation for AU detection and on FERA 2015 for AU intensity estimation can be downloaded here
- AU detection
- AU intensity estimation
matlab -nodisplay
>> evaluate_intensity
- Visualize attention maps
If you use this code for your research, please cite our paper
title={Facial action unit detection using attention and relation learning},
author={Shao, Zhiwen and Liu, Zhilei and Cai, Jianfei and Wu, Yunsheng and Ma, Lizhuang},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing},