
Find the closest NDN hubs to connect yourself to the NDN testbed

Primary LanguagePython

NDN Find Closest Hub (FCH) RESTful APIs

Why we need this?

Find the closest hub near you to connect to the NDN testbed.

Compared with the existing FCH:

  • The existing version uses KNN to decide the closest hubs but it can give wrong results when two coordinate points are remote in values but geographically close. E.g., (179, 0) and (-179, 0) are geographically close to each other but their numeric distance is large.
  • This FCH supports more types, including udp, wss for WebSocket, and http3 for HTTP/3.
  • This FCH allows requester to specify IPv4 and IPv6 at the time of query.
  • This FCH allows real-time update of hub information with RESTful API /routers.

Deployment with uWSGI

1 Create python virtual environment and activate it.

python3 -v venv venv
. venv/bin/activate

2 Install dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

3 Start running

FCH_HUB_PATH=. uwsgi --http --module wsgi-app

FCH_HUB_PATH is the directory to store the hub list file. The hub list file will be named as hubs.txt.


1. Get closest hubs

GET Request

HTTP GET request containing the query parameters. The URL is /.


GET /?k=9&cap=wss&lon=-77&lat=39&ip=
  • k: number of routers to return, default 1
  • cap: capability
    • options: udp, wss, http3
    • default: udp
  • ipv4: 1 if client supports IPv4, 0 otherwise
  • ipv6: 1 if client supports IPv6, 0 otherwise
  • lon, lat: geo-coordinates, required


A CSV format of file containing the udp/wss/https for NDN connectivity establishment.



2. Update hub information

PUT Request

HTTP PUT request containing a JSON format list of hub information. The URL is /routers.


PUT /routers
    "id": "ucla",
    "position": [-130, 36.5],
    "ipv4": true,
    "udp": "suns.cs.ucla.edu",
    "wss": "suns.cs.ucla.edu"
    "id": "yoursunny-dal",
    "position": [-96.797, 32.7767],
    "ipv4": true,
    "ipv6": true,
    "http3": "https://dal.quic.g.ndn.today/ndn"

The position value follows GeoJSON, namely, [lontitude, latitude].


Success 200