Web Table Retrieval (WTR) test collection is a benchmark for table retrieval based on a large-scale Web Table Corpora extracted from the Common Crawl. Each table in WTR has rich context (page title, entities, text before/after the table). Therefore, we not only provide relevance judgments of query-table pairs, but also the relevance judgments of query-table context pairs.
The following files are relevance judgments for query-table/context pairs.
Description | Location |
Relevance Judgment for query-table pairs. It corresponds to the annotations of previous test collections(e.g. WikiTables). |
./data/rel_table_qrels.txt |
Relevance Judgment for query-page title pairs. | ./data/rel_PageTitle_qrels.txt |
Relevance Judgment for query-entities pairs. | ./data/rel_entity_qrels.txt |
Relevance Judgment for query-textAfter pairs. | ./data/rel_textAfter_qrels.txt |
Relevance Judgment for query-textBefore pairs. | ./data/rel_textBefore_qrels.txt |
Description | Location |
The same set of 60 queries used in WikiTables. | ./data/queries.txt |
The set of raw table content in the pooled results. | ./data/wdc_pool.json.tar.gz |
The full version of processed WTR table dump (with entity linking results). | click to download |
We provide the 5-fold data splits under "./data/" and each file is named as "fold_split.jsonl". For example, "1_train.jsonl" is the training set for fold 1. Our baselines are trained/tested on those data splits for 5-fold cross validation. In each record of a JSON file, we provide the query, table content and label(the label in ./data/rel_table_qrels.txt).
The rankings of baselines are under "./rankings/". Except "pool" folder, each of the rest folder is named by a baseline method and includes the corresponding ranking results in that folder.
The STR features are saved in "./data/wdc_STR.csv". The 1st 9 features in the file are LTR features.
Here we describe how to process the raw original WDC corpus and obtain the pooling results.
We use elasticsearch 5.3 to index the corpus. Please run it when you index and obtain the pooling results.
Besides, we have the following packaged installed with Python 3.7:
pandas 0.25.3
elasticsearch 5.5.3
nltk 3.4.5
numpy 1.17.4
scipy 1.5.2
To reproduce and index the WTR table dump, there are three steps:
- download the wdc dump files from file_list:
wget -i file_list.txt
- match the downloaded wdc dumps with the entity linking results (available here ) from "Novel Entity Discovery from Web Tables, WWW 2020":
python extract.py
- create the index (with elasticsearch running as the backend):
python indexer.py
Please check the data paths/folder structures in "metadata.py". For convenience, we provide the processed WTR table dump here. You can directly index this file(i.e. step 3).
You can obtain the initial top-20 results from unsupervised baselines(BM25 on different fields) by running:
python pool_ranker.py
The ranking results in TREC format are saved under "./ranking/pool/". The file name corresponds to the field. We also provide the pooled tables in "./data/wdc_pool.json.tar.gz" where you can access the raw table content according to the table id.
The implementation of elasticsearch interface (elastic.py,elastic_cache.py,scorer.py) was adapted from Nordlys.