
Find item which cheaper than steamcommunity from buff

Primary LanguagePythonThe UnlicenseUnlicense


Recently there are many people told me that buff is banning accounts that use this project.

So be careful and take your own risk to enjoy~

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Find item which cheaper than steamcommunity from buff


Table of Contents

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buff2steam is a script, for crawling items from buff which cheaper than steamcommunity.


After set threshold in the config.json file, the script will automatically calculate the price difference and filter out matching items, as shown above.

  • buff_id means goods_id in url: https://buff.163.com/market/goods?goods_id=2334
  • price means this item's price on buff
  • sell/want means this item's sell/buy order count on steamcommunity market
  • b_o_ratio means the ratio obtained by selling this item to the highest buy order in the steamcommunity market immediately (after deducting the handling fee)
  • ratio means the possible ratio obtained by selling this item with the lowest sell order price in the steamcommunity market (after deducting the handling fee)

The last two ratios are the ratio of the price difference. The lower the value, the better, and it means that you have obtained the discounted steam wallet balance through this transaction.

Then you can buy items from buff manually and sell them to the steamcommunity.


python >= 3.7

pip install -r requirements.txt

cp config.sample.json config.json


python -m buff2steam



    "main": {
        "game": "csgo",  // dota2
        "game_appid": "730",  // 570
        "accept_buff_threshold": 0.65,  // acceptable ratio
        "min_price": 500,  // CNY, 500 == 5 yuan
        "max_price": 30000  // CNY, 30000 == 300 yuan
    "buff": {
        "requests_kwargs": {
            "headers": {
                "cookie": "session=1-GyCKVt_sSLoNtu2yeM9hY8FPeWTr8Q6ayOYIifqxKLM82044786689"
    "steam": {
        "request_interval": 20,  // steam api request interval (in seconds)
        "requests_kwargs": {
            // if you dont need proxy then remove it
            "proxies": {
                "https": ""



Chrome -> F12 -> Network Tab -> Refresh webpage -> Doc filter -> Response Headers find session in Set-Cookie and paste it into config.json -> buff.requests_kwargs.headers.cookie




buff2steam is open-source software licensed under the Unlicense License. See the LICENSE file for more information.