
Simple vim terminal in popup window with a termline.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Simple vim terminal in popup window with a termline.




  • Create/toggle/kill terminal in popup window handily.
  • Termline support just like tabline.
  • Blocked mapping only for fterm.


  • Requirement: +python3, +popup, +terminal
  • Best experience: include patch >= 8.2.1997
  • Support for nvim: not yet

For vim-plug:

Plug 'ZhiyuanLck/vim-float-terminal'


All commands are derived from command :Fterm

usage: Fterm [-h] {new,toggle,kill,select,settitle,move,quit} ...

positional arguments:
  new        create a new terminal
  toggle     toggle a terminal to show or hidden
  kill       kill a terminal
  settitle   set the title of current terminal
  move       move the place of terminal on termline

All subcommands have separate options, see more details via :h fterm-commands.

Global Variables

  • Check normal global options by :h fterm-options.
  • Check mapping options by :h fterm-mappings.


Fterm sets the default mappings for you. You can change them by mapping variables like g:fterm_map_xxx. There is a little difference when you change the mapping of selecting terminal, see more details by :h g:fterm_map_select.

You can also disable all default mappings by let g:fterm_disable_map = 1, and then customize your own mapping through g:fterm_custom_map, which make it possible to define blocked mapping that takes effect only in fterm. See more details by :h g:fterm_custom_map.

Quick quit

You can quit the terminal quickly by command FtermQuit which is mapped to the key specified by g:fterm_map_quit (by default q). The keymap is disabled when certain pattern is matched in command to start the terminal. This work is done by vim built-in function match(). The default pattern list is

let g:fterm_noquit=[
      \ '\v(\w|/)*bash$',
      \ '\v(\w|/)*zsh$',
      \ '\v(\w|/)*ksh$',
      \ '\v(\w|/)*csh$',
      \ '\v(\w|/)*tcsh$'
      \ ]


You can customize highlights by g:fterm_highlights. See all default highlights by :h g:fterm_highlights.

Edit file from terminal

When in float terminal, you can use fterm to open a file in vim.

Support for asyncrun.vim

let g:asyncrun_runner = get(g:, 'asyncrun_runner', {})
let g:asyncrun_runner.fterm = function('fterm#async_runner')

Known issues

  1. Cursor position wrong in terminal popup with finished job. Fixed in patch 8.2.1990.

  2. Patch 8.2.1990 cause new problem: window changes when using bufload() while in a terminal popup. Fixed in patch 8.2.1997. This issue will cause the plugin to not work properly.

