
submarine-events is a lightweight, event-driven micro-service framework

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Getting Start

submarine-events is a lightweight, event-driven micro-service framework. It provides a common solution to receive events transported from producer and consume them via RESTful HTTP API. Event producers can send events to submarine-events via Kafka or submarine-events API. The event data must be described in a common format defined by CloudEvents protocol, which allows data exchange between different systems. submarine-events listens to events, then routes them to specific destinations via RESTful HTTP API configured by user.


  • Event-driven architecture, connecting event producers and consumers in a decoupled fashion

  • CloudEvents protocol, achieving interoperability across different systems

  • Dynamic configuration, eliminating the need of redeployment

  • Sync or async mode, providing flexibility to fit different tasks

How To Use

1.Configure Kafka

submarine-events can receive event via both Kafka and submarine-events API. If you choose Kafka, configure Kafka as following. Otherwise, skip this step.

# /src/main/resources/bootstrap.yml
      default-binder: kafka  
          brokers: localhost:9092 #your kafka server address 
          destination: my_topic #your topic
          group: my_topic_group1 #consumer group of your topic 
            concurrency: 4 #concurrent consumer count, default is 1, less than or equal to partition count
            max-attempts: 5 #max retry count, default is 3
        definition: restAPIConsume #function to consume message, already implemented in stream/handler/EventHandler.java

2.Configure Event Adapter Rules

I) Local Event Adapter Rules
# /src/main/resources/bootstrap.yml
    type: Demo #event type
    targetUri: http://localhost:8080/v1/demo/toUpperCase #RESTful HTTP API where event is routed to, here is a demo API implemented in demo/TargetUriDemo.java
    httpMethod: GET #method of RESTful HTTP API
    requestKeyMap: '{"oriReqName1": "convertedReqName1", "oriReqName2": "convertedReqName2"}' #request key map, not required
    responseKeyMap: '{"oriRespName1": "convertedRespName1", "oriRespName2":"convertedRespName2"}' #response key map, not required
  #rule[1]: more rules can be added here
II) Dynamic Event Adapter Rules via Nacos

Event adapter rules can also be configured dynamically in Nacos if available.

a) Configure Nacos
# /src/main/resources/bootstrap.yml
    name: submarine-events
        server-addr: localhost:80 #your nacos server address
        file-extension: yaml
b) Configure Event Adapter Rules in Nacos
# Nacos/submarine-events.yaml
  rule[0]: ...
  rule[1]: ...

3.Send Event

Send an event defined by CloudEvents protocol to submarine-events via 1) the specific Kafka topic you configured or 2) submarine-events API: http://localhost:8080/v1/event/send.

Here is a demo event:

  "data": {

Learn more about CloudEvents.

4.Route event to RESTful HTTP API

submarine-events finds corresponding event adapter rule according to "type":

    type: Demo #event type
    targetUri: http://localhost:8080/v1/demo/toUpperCase #RESTful HTTP API where event is routed to, here is a demo API implemented in demo/TargetUriDemo.java
    httpMethod: GET #method of RESTful HTTP API
    requestKeyMap: '{"oriReqName1": "convertedReqName1", "oriReqName2": "convertedReqName2"}' #request key map, not required
    responseKeyMap: '{"oriRespName1": "convertedRespName1", "oriRespName2":"convertedRespName2"}' #response key map, not required

submarine-events calls http://localhost:8080/v1/demo/toUpperCase?convertedReqName1=cat&convertedReqName2=dog, uri is from targetUri and request parameter is converted from "data" by requestKeyMap, you can get response converted by "responseKeyMap":

  "convertedRespName1": "CAT",
  "convertedRespName2": "DOG"


First and foremost, thank you! We appreciate that you want to contribute to submarine-events, your time is valuable, and your contributions mean a lot to us. There are many ways to contribute, including the following:

  • Creating an issue
  • Updating or correcting documentation
  • Feature requests
  • Bug reports