Digital Support Center

For viewing the demo of this project, please go to the demo folder for more details.

Development Note

Currently the docker images connects to the GCP SQL directly which has been shut down due to high maintenance costs. We have seperated the production and sample stages with different table.

C1. Create and Load to Sample Database

  1. In local mySQL Work Bench, be sure to have a local instance running
  2. Connect to the local instance
  3. Create a Schema with character set of utf8mb4, collation of utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci and any name of your choice
  4. In database.ts file under /backend/, be sure to replace 348-project with the name of the schema you just created, replace root and Uforse2020! with User and Password that you used to connect to your local instance
  5. In a terminal with the project folder, do cd backend
  6. run npm run dev and npm will take care of creating the table by running codes in /backend/server.ts

C1. Running Application Code

Best way to run both frontend and backend together: docker-compose up -d.

For running the application you need to run the backend component first, then run the frontend component. For running backend component, make sure you have docker installed in you laptop and run either ./backend/ or ./backend/ to run docker image which connects to either sample database or production database. It will start a port at localhost:50000, make sure this address is not taken before running the bash code. For running frontend component, navigate to the frontend folder first. Run npm install to install all dependencies and then run npm start to start the application code. It will automatically start a port at localhost:3000.

C1. Features it currently supports

  1. Register a user to the database
    • frontend code path: /frontend/src/pages/register.tsx
    • backend code path: /backend/routes/userRoute/userController.ts
  2. Check if a user exists in the database
    • frontend code path: /frontend/src/pages/login.tsx
    • backend code path: /backend/routes/userRoute/userController.ts
  3. Update a ticket into the database
    • frontend code path: /frontend/src/pages/Ticket.tsx
    • backend code path: /backend/routes/ticketRoute/ticketController.ts
  4. Delete a ticket from the database
    • frontend code path: /frontend/src/pages/Ticket.tsx
    • backend code path: /backend/routes/ticketRoute/ticketController.ts
  5. Join ticket with user and product table to find all tickets for a user
    • frontend code path: /frontend/src/pages/Tickets.tsx
    • backend code path: /backend/routes/ticketRoute/ticketController.ts
  6. Fetch all notes associate with a ticket order by creation time ascendingly
    • frontend code path: /frontend/src/pages/Ticket.tsx
    • backend code path: /backend/routes/noteRoute/noteController.ts

C1. Production dataset Generation

We used a python script to generate the production dataset. We connect to our GCP MySQL through a python package mysql.connector and then insert our generated data. The code can be found in \backend\

The product table is the only table that is based on fixed data. We only support creating tickets on three manufacturers - "Apple", "Samsung" and "Huawei". The types for the products are laptops, phone and tablet, and the colours are silver, black golden and other. Therefore, we create all different combinations of manufacturer, type, and colour based on these categories.

The ticket, note and user tables are generated based on randomization. We used essential_generators.DocumentGenerator to randomly generate sentences and we used name package to randomly generate fields in these tables. For user table, we use their randomly generated name concatenated with "" for their email.

As a production dataset, we have about 20,000 users, 36 product records, 10,000 tickets and 1000 notes.

C2. SQL for Creating Tables for both Production Database and Sample Database and inserting sample data

Typescript code for reading csv and insert sample data to database be found in backend/server.ts and the SQL can be found in backend/createDB/createSample.sql and backend/createDB/createProduction.sql. Table definitions has a name of Model.ts and they can be found in backend/routes under different routes. There are functions in server.ts file for checking if tables in local database are empty or not. If the user table is empty locally, then it will populate data from csv files into the database.

C3. SQL Code

The backend component uses nodeJS with Sequelize ORM for communicating with database.

  • Direct SQL queries for basic features sample database can be found under backend/sqlQueries. 6b.sql, 7b.sql, 8b.sql, 9b.sql, 10b.sql, 11b.sql are ordered by Feature number R6, R7, R8, R9, R10, R11 respectively.
  • Direct SQL queries for basic features production database can be found under backend/sqlQueries. 6c.sql, 7c.sql, 8c.sql, 9c.sql, 10c.sql, 11c.sql are ordered by Feature number R6, R7, R8, R9, R10, R11 respectively.
  • Output Of each corresponding sql queries are saved as feature number[b|c].out.csv.
  • Typescript with Sequelize to create tables from sample data can be found in backend/server.ts
  • Other functional ORM code can be found in Controller file under backend/routes with different routes.


If you want to test backend API endpoints, please use Postman. Please run the application code to see features.

Backend Component

Comiple and Start

run npm build first, and then npm run dev. Note that by default, the backend would start in localhost:50000. The compiled javascript code (from typescript) would be saved to /backend/dist folder.

Alternatively, run the bash files inside the backend folder. ./backend/ or ./backend/

Code Organization

All backend requests are organized by routes. And Each route under the routes folder has three files. One for different requests under the big route, and a controller file and a model file to add functionalities.

API Request Example

backend request examples can be found under backend/exampleAPI