
A customizable, multilayered, and fully Numpy-parallelized/cythonized (convolutional) neural network classifier.

Primary LanguagePython

Convolutional Neural Network (a Python / Cython implementation)

A customizable, multilayered, and fully Numpy-parallelized/cythonized (convolutional) neural network classifier. Hyperparameters are tuned for the MNIST dataset (each sample input is dim 784, representing a 28 by 28 pixelmap; each sample output is preprocessed to be a one-hot encoding of the digits).


Single Hidden Layer (FC1 -> ReLU -> FC2 -> Softmax)

Cross validation accuracy: 0.9845 Test accuracy: 0.9858

General parameters

100,000 iterations with batch size of 20

FC1 parameters

n_in: 784 n_out: 700 learning_rate: 0.5 dropout_rate: 0.3 decay_rate: 0.9 init_std: 2 / sqrt(n_in + n_out + 1)

FC2 parameters

n_in: 700 n_out: 10 learning_rate: 0.1 dropout_rate: 0.5 decay_rate: 0.9 init_std: 1 / sqrt(n_in)

Two Hidden Layers (FC1 -> ReLU -> FC2 -> ReLU -> FC3 -> Softmax)

Cross validation accuracy: 0.9849 Test accuracy: 0.9858

General parameters

100,000 iterations with batch size of 20

FC1 parameters

n_in: 784 n_out: 800 learning_rate: 0.5 dropout_rate: 0.3 decay_rate: 0.9 init_std: 2 / sqrt(n_in + n_out + 1)

FC2 parameters

n_in: 800 n_out: 150 learning_rate: 0.2 dropout_rate: 0.2 decay_rate: 0.9 init_std: 1 / sqrt(n_in + n_out + 1)

FC3 parameters

n_in: 150 n_out: 10 learning_rate: 0.05 dropout_rate: 0.4 decay_rate: 0.9 init_std: 1 / sqrt(n_in)

LeNet / Convolution Layers (Reshape -> Conv1 -> ReLU -> Pool -> Conv2 -> ReLU -> Pool -> Reshape -> FC1 -> ReLU -> FC2 -> Softmax)

Cross validation accuracy: 0.9918 Test accuracy: 0.9917

General parameters

30,000 iterations with batch size of 20.

Conv1 parameters

dim_input: 28 dim_W: 5 input_depth: 1 output_depth: 6 padding: 2 stride: 1 learning_rate: 0.5 decay_rate: 0.9

Conv2 parameters

dim_input: 14 dim_W: 5 input_depth: 6 output_depth: 16 padding: 0 stride: 1 learning_rate: 0.1 decay_rate: 0.9

FC1 parameters

n_in: 400 n_out: 300 learning_rate: 0.5 dropout_rate: 0 decay_rate: 0.9 init_std: 2 / sqrt(n_in + n_out + 1)

FC2 parameters

n_in: 300 n_out: 10 learning_rate: 0.5 dropout_rate: 0 decay_rate: 0.9 init_std: 1 / sqrt(n_in)

Weighted layers:


Fully connects n_in neurons in the input layer to n_out neurons in the output layer. The weight matrix will be n_out * (n_in + 1) to account for the bias. Input should be dimension n_batch * n_in, or n_batch * (n_in + 1) with the last column all 1's if add_bias=False. Output has dimension n_batch * n_out.

learning_rate, decay_rate, and dropout_rate can be set. learning_rate is multiplied by decay_rate every epoch (N samples).


Perform a "valid" 2D convolution with a weight matrix on the input. Assume square symmetry for input, W, and output. Input should have dimensions n_batch * input_depth * dim_input * dim_input. W has dimensions output_depth * input_depth * dim_W * dim_W. input_depth specifies the number of channels in the input, and output_depth specifies the number of channels in the output.

Output has dimensions n_batch * output_depth * dim_output * dim_output, where dim_output = (dim_input - dim_W + 2 * padding) // stride + 1. padding specifies the size of the 0 padding on each side of the input matrix. stride specifies how far to shift the weight matrix each time during convolution with the input.

Weightless layers:


Applies ReLU activation to input of a given shape (n_batch * ...) .


Applies Softmax activation to a input (n_batch * n_in_out). Usually used as the output layer for classification.


Takes the maximum of a dim_pool * dim_pool grid of the input. Pad the largest indices with 0 if necessary.


Reshape the input with Numpy reshape.


Transpose the input with Numpy transpose.