FX Conversion App

Your task is to create a 2-page application

📄 Currency converter page:

  • display this component:


  • automatically fetch rate when both sides of currency and source amount provided
  • handle FX rate API response in different states (demo API is provided below)
  • calculate and display the markup rate (1% markup) and fee using the following formula:

image (6)

  • when the source amount changes, recalculate the target amount
  • click the icon in the middle to switch 2 currencies and re-fetch the rate
  • click the "Submit" button to save the conversion data to the database


  • make both amounts can be changed (automatically re-calculate another amount)
  • if the target amount is provided, the fee is calculated using this formula:

image (5)

📄 Transactions page:

  • display this transaction record component:


  • fetch data from the database and populate the table

🎯 Requirements:

  • use TypeScript
  • use React
  • use any relational database
  • use any Node.js framework to create API
  • use this API to retrieve currency rates: https://openexchangerates.org/ (Note: This API provides rates with USD as the base currency, e.g., USD -> AUD. It does not allow changing the base currency. Therefore, you need to devise a solution using the available data to calculate the desired conversion rate.)
  • keep the component as close to design as possible (blue1:#33428E, blue2: #012754, button:#002854, background: #F8F9FB) (please find icons in assets folder)
  • use docker to containerize the app


  • use MUI, Styled-components or Emotion
  • use Nest.js to create your API
  • write a couple of tests

Submission Instructions

  • Forking the Repository

  • Work on the code challenge

  • Once you have completed the code challenge and are ready to submit, make sure to commit and push all your changes to your forked repository

  • Send an email to j.dong@forexco.com.au to inform us that you have completed the code challenge. In your email, include the link to your forked repository on GitHub, allowing us to review your solution.

Email j.dong@forexco.com.au for questions related to this code challenge