
User Story

AS a Company Manager
I WANT an Employee tracker
SO THAT I can quickly update and review the current team of my company.

Starting Steps

  • Remember to change the MYSQL user name and password in index.js to match your default setting. MYSQL Setting
  • Open MYSQL workbench, run employee.sql in db folder
  • Open MYSQL workbench, run seed.sql in db folder
  • Remember " npm install " from terminal / cmd
  • Run " npm start " from terminal / cmd to start this application


The following links for review:


  • 1.1: View Current Departments
  • 1.2: View Current Roles
  • 1.3: View Current Employees
  • 1.4: View Current Employees (by manager)
  • 2.1: Add Departments
  • 2.2: Add Roles
  • 2.3: Add Employees
  • 3.1: Update Employee role
  • 3.2: Update Employee manager
  • 4.1: Delete Employee

MYSQL Knowledge in this application

  • Relational Database tables.
  • Foreign key constraint.
  • Combining inqurier package with MYSQL queries.
  • Manipulating multiple tables with MYSQL codes.

Future Functionalities

  • 4.2: Delete role
  • 4.3: Delete department
  • 5: View department budget

Snap shots

Please see some of the functionalities and out puts from this app by checking the following snap shots.

1.View Current Employees. landing page

2.Delete Employee

Note: In this example, which is "David Monteleone" and he is the manager of "Adam Weaver", Adam's manager becomes null before deleting "David Monteleone" because of the foreign key constraint. landing page