
Think CSS classes, but for iOS

Primary LanguageObjective-C


A CKClass performs the same basic function as a CSS class, but for iOS. It allows a certain set of appearance-related rules to be shared among certain elements across an entire application.


Add your class - you can add as many classes as you want, and add them at any point within your app:

[CKClassManager addViewClass:^(UIView *view) {
    [view setBackgroundColor:[UIColor redColor]];
    [view setAlpha:0.4f];
} forName:@"mysterious-red"];

then apply the class to any view(s) in your app:

[CKClassManager applyClass:@"mysterious-red" toView:myView];
[CKClassManager applyClass:@"mysterious-red" toView:mySecondView];


Besides being an awesome little project than can reduce a lot of code duplication, this project was created in order to put Objective-C back on the map.