CS 248 Shader Demo

This is a template for writing rendering programs using the Simple and Fast Multimedia Library and the Open Asset Import Library.

Building and Running the Demo

Linux (Ubuntu or similar)

  1. Install GLEW (Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install libglew1.5-dev)
  2. make
  3. make run


  1. Open the XCode template in the "xcode" folder
  2. Run from the menu


  1. Open the Visual Studio project in the "vs2010" folder
  2. Run from the menu

Note: On Windows, the asset importer is really slow in debug mode. Switch to release mode, and the importer is much faster.

Included Files

There are is a sample Phong shader in the "shaders" folder, and some sample models in the "models" folder. You can find a basic demo in Main.cpp, and a class for loading shaders in Shader.cpp/Shader.h.