Libactor is an implementation of the actor model for C. It uses libdispatch for concurrency and is designed for distributed programming.
- Process creation with C blocks
- Distributed message passing
- Process supervision
System Requirement
Libactor has been tested in:
- OS X: 10.7 64bit
- FreeBSD: 9.2 64bit
- Ubuntu Linux: 12.04 64bit
Libactor uses libdispatch and makes masivly use of the block syntax for C. So it needs to be compiled with clang/llvm.
To install libactor make shure libdispatch is installed. On OS X it is included since 10.6. On Linux there are several ports. On Debian based distributions simply type:
sudo apt-get install libdispatch-dev
Install of libactor:
sudo make install
To build the example on OS X type:
clang -o example example.c -lactor
On Linux:
clang -fblocks -o example example.c -lactor -ldispatch -lBlocksRuntime
To be continued
More precise documentation will come...