[ACTIVE] A delegate for making managing the ViewBinding variable in a Fragment simpler.
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Fatal Exception: java.lang.IllegalStateException: did not return a View from onCreateView() or this was called before onCreateView().
#25 opened by admcilgin - 3
IllegalStateException on onCreateView
#24 opened by Drjacky - 1
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Publish library to Maven Central
#17 opened by EdricChan03 - 2
How to use in AppCompatDialogFragment
#16 opened by omkar-tenkale - 2
How to use this in BottomSheetDialogFragment
#15 opened by Robotxm - 14
bug: cannot cleanup fragment in `onDestroyView()`
#12 opened by or-dvir - 2
[Bug]: Can't access the Fragment View's LifecycleOwner when getView() is null i.e., before onCreateView() or after onDestroyView()
#3 opened by Drjacky - 2
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Feature Request: Activity support
#10 opened by DonnyRozendal - 5
Not working in a library project
#4 opened by kypeli - 1
cannot sync gradle "No signature of method...is applicable for argument types" (solved)
#11 opened by or-dvir - 1
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can't access the Fragment View's LifecycleOwner when getView()
#9 opened by nguyenlinhnttu - 4
initliaze and use viewbinding views by kotlin lazy delegate making view making view not inflate properly after first inflate
#1 opened by burhankhanzada - 1