[ACTIVE] Simple Stack, a backstack library / navigation framework for simpler navigation and state management (for fragments, views, or whatevers).
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Synthetic up scopes for keys
#287 opened by Zhuinden - 4
Up navigation examples are hard to find
#283 opened by LeafyLappa - 1
Verify that the new `setParentServices()`'s `lookupFromScope(..., EXPLICIT)` behavior is what is expected
#277 opened by Zhuinden - 2
Publish to MavenCentral instead of just Jitpack.io
#268 opened by Zhuinden - 3
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Consider adding Backstack.services() method as in GlobalServices.services()
#284 opened by ElianFabian - 0
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The service does not exist in any accessible scopes
#282 opened by MikaReesu - 3
Backstack with espresso
#281 opened by MikaReesu - 6
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DialogFragment and BottomDialogFragment as part of navigation stack, question
#276 opened by uberchilly - 15
Crash due to activity.onBackPressed() when removing fragment hosting a WebView in AndroidView {} + FADE
#280 opened by uvaysss - 14
Should Simple Stack be used in new projects
#279 opened by LeafyLappa - 0
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Lazy initialization of ScopedServices
#272 opened by uvaysss - 12
Consider a way to connect a "child nested stack" to a "parent stack" similarly to `setParentComposition`
#239 opened by Zhuinden - 9
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Backstack is not available in a child Fragment's onCreate after process death
#275 opened by Zhuinden - 2
KMM support?
#273 opened by uberchilly - 4
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Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.xxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyy/com.xxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyy.activities.MainActivity}: androidx.fragment.app.Fragment$InstantiationException: Unable to instantiate fragment q2.v1: could not find Fragment constructor
#269 opened by metinvio - 2
How to 'lookup<>()' scoped class from an Android Service
#270 opened by uvaysss - 2
What is the proper way to add a key to the top even if it already exists in the backstack?
#267 opened by Stonos - 4
Question: What is the purpose of RegistrationViewModel inside ServiceProvider in extension-compose-example?
#266 opened by ydhnwb - 3
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Allow removing a `Backstack.CompletionListener` from inside the listener itself
#263 opened by angusholder - 9
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How to not retain fragment when navigating
#262 opened by omkar-tenkale - 2
Showcase of apps using Simple-Stack
#255 opened by Zhuinden - 10
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NPE Crashes when goBack is called on the Backstack
#256 opened by amadrian - 3
2.6.3 is probably DOA
#257 opened by Zhuinden - 3
Navigation action that removes part of the stack without altering the top key can cause detached fragments to not be removed when used with SimpleStateChanger
#251 opened by Zhuinden - 2
Multustack view sample crash
#254 opened by omkar-tenkale - 1
Community sample crash
#253 opened by omkar-tenkale - 2
Multiple stacks in each viewpager fragment
#252 opened by omkar-tenkale - 2
BackHandler in Compose (and any backPressDispatcher callback) only receives backs in super.onBackPressed, but should be received before backstack.goBack
#248 opened by Zhuinden - 2
"Complex" update of activity title - e.g. load an item and update activity title
#249 opened by MFlisar - 12
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Jetpack Compose
#240 opened by matejdro - 5
Simple-stack on a multi-module architecture
#238 opened by mradzinski - 10
Multistack with Fragment host
#237 opened by uvaysss