Chemistry Question Answering

In the real world, there are QA tasks which cannot be solved by end-to-end neural networks and is very difficult to translate the natural language to any kind of formal representation which can be solved. Solving Chemical Calculation Problems is such a QA task. We collect about 5,000 chemical calculation problems from SOCRATIC.ORG, which cover more than 200 topic in chemistry. Unlike other QA datasets, we propose to only label the variable asked and conditions from question stem, but do not label the complex solving process. We name the dataset as ChemistryQA. To encourage other researchers to explore various solutions, we keep this task weakly supervised.

An Example

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Statics of Dataset

Train Dev Test
4500 496 500

Dataset download

You can download this dataset at here.


Method Accuracy on Dev set
BERT-based Sequence-to-sequnce Model 16.4%
Extractor + DFS Solver 16.9%

Function Example:

class Func_Mass2Mole(Func):

    name = "Mass2Mole"
    description = "mole=mass/molar_mass"
    input_sat_maps = [["target", "molar_mass"],["target","mass"]]

    def __init__(self,inputs,outputs=None):

    def run_func(self):
        if not self.sat_running():
            return False
        return True

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