
Game Description:

M arvel: Ultimate War is a 2 player battle game. Each player picks 3 champions to form his team and fight the other player’s team. The players take turns to fight the other player’s champions. The turns will keep going back and forth until a player is able to defeat all of the other player’s champions which will make him the winner of the battle.

During the battle, each player will use his champions to attack the opponent champions either by using normal attacks or using special attacks/abilities. The battle takes place on a 5x5 grid. Each cell in the grid can either be empty, or contain a champion or obstacle/cover. At the beginning of the battle, each team will stand at one of the sides/edges of the grid as a starting position.

Basic Gameplay Flow:

Each player will select his three champions to form his team. The champions will take turns based on their speed. The champion with the highest speed (from all selected champions) will begin acting first followed by the champion with the second highest speed and so on. When the turn goes to a champion, the player controlling the champion can use him to carry out any action as long as the champion has enough action points needed for this action and also enough mana in case of using any of his abilities. After that, the champion can end his turn and the turn will go to the next champion.

The turns will keep passing over the living champions till a player is able to defeat all of the three champions of the opponent player. In this case, the game ends and the player with the living champion will be declared the winner.