

In this Project you are going to implement a modified version of the game Wordle in Prolog (Pro-Wordle). The Pro-Wordle game is made up of two main phases: (1) a knowledge base building phase and (2) a game play phase. In the KB building phase, the player is prompted to enter words with their categories. Corresponding facts are added to the KB using the predicate word/2 where word(W,C) is true if W has a category of C. This continues until the player enters done. Below is a sample of the interaction between the game and the player in the KB building phase.

Welcome to Pro-Wordle!

Please enter a word and its category on separate lines:

|: horse.

|: animals.

Please enter a word and its category on separate lines:

|: panda.

|: animals.

Please enter a word and its category on separate lines:

|: hello.

|: greetings.

Please enter a word and its category on separate lines:

|: banana.

|: fruits.

Please enter a word and its category on separate lines:

|: bison.

|: animals.

Please enter a word and its category on separate lines:

|: hoard.

|: collections.

Please enter a word and its category on separate lines:

|: done.

Done building the words database...







After the KB building phase, the game play phase begins. The game displays to the user the available categories to pick one from. The player is then prompted to pick a length and category for the word to be guessed. The game picks a word of the given length and category and the guessing game begins. The player is allowed a maximum number of guesses equal to the entered length plus one. In each guess, the user must enter a word of the chosen length. The game then displays to the user the correctly entered letters (not necessarily in correct positions), and the correctly entered letters in correct positions. Below is a sample of the interaction between the game and the player in the game play phase based on the example KB provided earlier.

The available categories are: [animals,greetings,fruits, collections]

Choose a category:

|: animals.

Choose a length:

|: 9. There are no words of this length.

Choose a length:

|: 5.

Game started. You have 6 guesses.

Enter a word composed of 5 letters:

|: hello.

Correct letters are: [h,e,o]

Correct letters in correct positions are: [h]

Remaining Guesses are 5

Enter a word composed of 5 letters:

|: hell.

Word is not composed of 5 letters. Try again.

Remaining Guesses are 5

Enter a word composed of 5 letters:

|: hoard.

Correct letters are: [h,o,r]

Correct letters in correct positions are: [h,o]

Remaining Guesses are 4

Enter a word composed of 5 letters:

|: horse.

You Won!

Here is another sample where the player loses.

The available categories are: [animals,greetings,fruits,collections]

Choose a category:

|: things.

This category does not exist.

Choose a category:

|: animals.

Choose a length:

|: 5.

Game started. You have 6 guesses.

Enter a word composed of 5 letters:

|: bison.

Correct letters are: [s,o]

Correct letters in correct positions are: []

Remaining Guesses are 5

Enter a word composed of 5 letters:

|: bison.

Correct letters are: [s,o]

Correct letters in correct positions are: []

Remaining Guesses are 4

Enter a word composed of 5 letters:

|: bison.

Correct letters are: [s,o]

Correct letters in correct positions are: []

Remaining Guesses are 3

Enter a word composed of 5 letters:

|: bison.

Correct letters are: [s,o]

Correct letters in correct positions are: []

Remaining Guesses are 2

Enter a word composed of 5 letters:

|: bison.

Correct letters are: [s,o]

Correct letters in correct positions are: []

Remaining Guesses are 1

Enter a word composed of 5 letters:

|: bison.

You lost!