
My JavaScript, Node.js and TypeScript learning notes

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

JavaScript Learning Notes

These repo contains course notes in the following courses

  • Intro to JavaScript on Udacity
  • Object-Oriented JavaScript from HackReactor on Udacity
  • Asynchronous JavaScript Requests on Udacity
  • JavaScript Promises from Google on Udacity

as well as based off of the following YouTube videos:

  • JavaScript OOP Crash Course by Traverse Media

  • Node.js crash course by Traverse Media

  • TypeScript crash course by Traverse Media

  • Learn TypeScript in 50 Minutes by Codevolution

JavaScript Basics

  1. Primitive Data Types

  2. Conditional

  3. Loop

  4. Function

  5. Array

  6. Scopes and Closures

  7. Object

    this Keyword Binding

    Check out this article https://www.jianshu.com/p/c7edec329338 for details

    Brief Summary:

    • Traditional function() definitions

      this的binding 发生在函数实际调用的时候, 不同的函数实际调用方式, 决定了this的binding: 谁调用了这个函数, this就绑定至谁.

      1. 作为function调用

        this绑定至global object

      2. 作为object的method调用


      3. 作为constructor (function class)调用


      4. 间接调用 (即通过.call(thisArg, ...), .apply(thisArg, [...]), .bind(thisArg, ...))

        this绑定至.call(), .apply(), .bind()的第一个参数thisArg

    • Arrow functions => definitions

      this的binding 发生在函数定义的时候, 其被绑定至arrow function定义时的外层上下文

    => 因此, 一般在object上定义methods时:

    • 要使用function() definition, 这样才能在method实际调用的时候, 将this正确绑定至该object
    • 若使用了arrow function, 则this被绑定至method定义时的外层上下文 (往往是global object), 是不对的


    const umbrella = {
      color: 'pink',
      isOpen: false,
      open: function() {
        if (this.isOpen) {
          return 'This umbrella is already open.';
        } else {
          this.isOpen = true;
          return 'Successfully opened the umbrella!';
      // If we do the following:
      // open: () => {
      //   if (this.isOpen) { // "this" binds to the outer context, which is the global object in this case, so "this.isOpen" is undefined.
      //     return '...';
      //   } else {
      //     this.isOpen = true;
      //     return '...';
      //   }
      // }
    umbrella.open(); // "this" binds to "umbrella" object

  8. OOP

    • Prototypal Pattern

      // Define a "prototypal class", aka "functional class", which is essentially
      // still a function
      function Person(firstName, lastName, dateOfBirth) {
        let person = Object.create(Person.prototype);
        // In this case, field lookups on a new instance will be delegated to
        // Person.prototype object, which should contain all of the methods of this
        // "functional class".
        // Also, note that Person.prototype.constructor refers back to Person
        person.firstName = firstName;
        person.lastName = lastName;
        person.dateOfBirth = new Date(dateOfBirth);
        return person;
      // Define methods onto [FunctionalClass].prototype object
      // => So that field lookups on a new instance will be delegated to this
      //    [FunctionalClass].prototype
      Person.prototype.getFullName = function() {
        return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`;
      Person.prototype.getBirthYear = function() {
        return this.dateOfBirth.getFullYear();
      // Define class static methods
      Person.topNames = () => {
        return ['Mark', 'Lily'];
    • Pseudo-Classical Pattern

      The only difference is the way in which we use the functional class:

      -> This time, we use the "new" keyword, which will handle a lot of work in the previous example for us.

      // Define a "prototypal class", aka "functional class", which is essentially
      // still a function
      function Person(firstName, lastName, dateOfBirth) {
        // Instead of using the object created manually by us, we use "this" keyword
        this.firstName = firstName;
        this.lastName = lastName;
        this.dateOfBirth = new Date(dateOfBirth);
      // Define methods
      // Define class static methods
      // Inheritance
      function Student(firstName, lastName, dateOfBirth, studentId) {
        Person.call(this, firstName, lastName, dateOfBirth); // 继承properties
        this.studentId = studentId;
      // Inheritance的本质上是prototype chaining (继承methods)
      Student.prototype = Object.create(Person.prototype); // At this point, Student.prototype simply delegates to Person.prototype.
      Student.prototype.constructor = Student; // However, we must manually add the constructor property; otherwise calling "Student.prototype.constructor" would be delegated to Person.prototype, which results in Person.
      // (继承static methods)
      // 由于static methods是直接定义在了Person这个"function class"本身上的, 因此为了继承
      // static methods, 还需要定义"function class"本身的prototype chaining关系, 使得
      // Student delegates to Person
      Student.__proto__ = Person;
    • ES6 Pattern

      Essentially, this is just syntax sugar, that under the hood does the same thing as previous ones.

      class Person {
        static topNames() {
          return ['Mark', 'Lily'];
        constructor(firstName, lastName, dateOfBirth) {
          const dob = new Date(dateOfBirth);
          Object.assign(this, { firstName, lastName, dob });
        getFullName() {
          return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`;
        getBirthYear() {
          return this.dob.getFullYear();
      // Inheritance
      class Student extends Person {
        constructor(firstName, lastName, dateOfBirth, studentId) {
          super(firstName, lastName, dateOfBirth);
          this.studentId = studentId;
        get getStudentId() {
          return this.studentId;

Asynchronous Requests (AJAX)

  1. Native XMLHttpRequest or simply "XHR", through callbacks

    Check out https://github.com/Ziang-Lu/JavaScript-Learning-Notes/tree/master/ajax/1-xhr-callback

  2. jQuery .ajax() method, through callbacks

    Check out https://github.com/Ziang-Lu/JavaScript-Learning-Notes/tree/master/ajax/2-jQuery-ajax-callback

  3. Promise-based, fetch()-API

    Check out https://github.com/Ziang-Lu/JavaScript-Learning-Notes/tree/master/ajax/3-promise-fetch

    Through async/await syntax

    Check out https://github.com/Ziang-Lu/JavaScript-Learning-Notes/tree/master/ajax/4-promise-fetch-async-await


This repo is distributed under the MIT license.