LifeFlow Donor Network

LifeFlow Donor Network is a comprehensive blood bank application designed to streamline the process of blood donation and management. Built using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) along with the CSS Bootstrap framework, this application offers a user-friendly interface and robust functionality to cater to the needs of donors, hospitals, organizations, and administrators involved in the blood donation ecosystem.

Project Overview

The primary goal of LifeFlow Donor Network is to bridge the gap between blood donors and recipients, ensuring efficient coordination and timely access to blood units. The application is divided into four distinct panels, each serving a specific role in the blood donation process:

  1. Donor Panel:

    • Donors can register and track their blood donation activities.
    • They have access to their donation history, making it easier to schedule future donations.
    • Donors receive notifications and reminders for upcoming donation appointments.
  2. Hospital Panel:

    • Hospitals can manage blood storage and availability.
    • Staff can input data regarding blood units received and distributed.
    • Real-time updates on blood availability help hospitals respond promptly to patient needs.
  3. Organization Panel:

    • Organizations collaborate with hospitals to facilitate blood donation drives and campaigns.
    • They assist in managing donor registrations and coordinating donation events.
    • Organizations can track the impact of their initiatives and contribute to maintaining a steady blood supply.
  4. Admin Panel:

    • Administrators oversee the entire system and have the authority to manage registrations.
    • They can monitor donor, hospital, and organization activities, ensuring compliance with regulations.
    • Admins have the ability to delete registrations if necessary and resolve any conflicts or issues.

Visual Analysis

LifeFlow Donor Network goes beyond basic data management by providing visual analysis tools. Through CSS cards and graphical representations, users can gain insights into donation trends, blood supply levels, and campaign effectiveness. These visual aids facilitate decision-making and strategic planning, empowering stakeholders to make informed choices.

Cloning and Contribution

Contributions to the LifeFlow Donor Network project are encouraged and appreciated. To get started, follow these steps:

  1. Cloning the Project:

    • Use Git to clone the project repository to your local machine.
    • Ensure you have the necessary dependencies installed, including MongoDB, Node.js, and npm.
  2. Contribution Guidelines:

    • Fork the repository and create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
    • Follow coding standards and best practices outlined in the project guidelines.
    • Test your changes thoroughly and provide clear documentation.
    • Submit a pull request detailing the changes made and the rationale behind them.

Thank you for considering contributing to the LifeFlow Donor Network project. Together, we can make a meaningful difference in improving blood donation systems and saving lives.

Here are some screenshots of my live project

Login Page

Screenshot (261)

Donar's page

Screenshot (262)

Screenshot (263)

Screenshot (264)

Analysis page for the particular donar

Screenshot (265)

Recent 3 transactions done by donar

Screenshot (266)

If you're a new user

![Screenshot (267)](

admin's page

Screenshot (268)

Screenshot (269)

Screenshot (270) Screenshot (271)