Deep Thoughts by ZichKoding

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Here is a social media platform leveraging the whole MERN stack along with GraphQL and Apollo Server to bring you a place to share your thoughts, react with other thoughts, and make new friends!

Table of Contents

How to sign up

To sign up click the Sign up link in the top right corner of the navbar. Once on the sign up page, fill out the forms and press enter. This will bring you back to the homepage.

How to login

To sign up click the Login link in the top right corner of the navbar left of Sign up. Once on the login page, fill out the forms and press enter. This will bring you back to the homepage.

How to create a thought

Once you are signed or logged in you can create a thought on the homepage or click Me in the top right corner next to Logout and scroll down to the form to create a new thought.

How to react to a thought

To create a reaction to a thought just simply click on any thought (as long as your are logged in) and there will be a form below the thought to add a reaction.

How to add a friend

If you wish to add a friend, then click on the username of any thought or reaction. This will bring you to that user's profile page where there will be a Add Friend button at the top right just below the nav bar.