LinkedIn Event Inviter

This project automates the process of inviting LinkedIn connections to an event. It is split into two phases: a Chrome extension for capturing session cookies, and a server that uses Puppeteer to automate browser actions.

Project Structure

  • linkedin-event-inviter-extension: Contains the Chrome extension code.
    • popup.html: The HTML for the popup interface of the extension.
    • popup.js: The JavaScript that powers the popup's functionality.
    • background.js: The JavaScript that runs in the background.
    • manifest.json: Defines settings and permissions for the Chrome extension.
  • linkedin-event-inviter-server: Contains the server code.
    • index.js: The main server file.
    • package.json: Lists the dependencies and scripts for the server.


  1. Clone the repository git clone
  2. Navigate to the linkedin-event-inviter-server directory and run npm install to install the server dependencies.
  3. Start the server by running node server.js in the linkedin-event-inviter-server directory.
  4. Open Chrome, go to chrome://extensions/, enable Developer mode, and load the linkedin-event-inviter-extension directory as an unpacked extension.
  5. Click the extension icon in Chrome and input the event link, then click "Invite".

Node.js Dependencies

The server part of this project relies on several Node.js dependencies for its functionality.

  • express: A web application framework for Node.js, used to create the server.
  • puppeteer: A Node library that provides a high-level API to control headless browsers or browsers over the DevTools Protocol, used for automating web actions.
  • puppeteer-extra: A wrapper for puppeteer to enable additional plugins and functionality.
  • puppeteer-extra-plugin-stealth: A plugin for puppeteer-extra to evade certain bot detection mechanisms.
  • cors: A Node.js package for providing a Connect/Express middleware that can be used to enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) with various options.