
Kotlin MVVM project that implement crud using Firebase and Firebase storage, also using Firebase Auth to grouping each user data.

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT


This Project called My box, so basically user can creating bunch of category and each category also have theirs own item. Using MVVM (Model-View-Viewmodel) to creating this because wanna make more understanding in thoose architectures and learn more about Android Development using Kotlin.

  • Firebase Storage used to keep the img from user,

  • Firebase Realtime Databases used to be back-end of the project, If you ask me why not using firestore, I will ask the same to my self lol So the realtime db nodes I've been done are like this,


  • Firebase Auth for interact with the realtime db so it can be "safe" and another reason for using auth in this project are to grouping each user category/items and data like names/email by the UID that's the firebase auth provides.

If you wonder why using personal data for user, I just want to make greetings in the main screen of the apps like this.



create category Users can create their own Box / Category to be shown in the first page of the Applications. https://github.com/Zidantfnno21/MyBox/assets/98997038/a34a8640-996b-4f0b-8e8b-93b231495850

create items Inside Category there's also items that can be created by user. https://github.com/Zidantfnno21/MyBox/assets/98997038/aaa95789-3d17-425d-813f-d0db4dce651e

update If users make mistake or want to update the items/category, it is possible by pressing the update button. https://github.com/Zidantfnno21/MyBox/assets/98997038/ce00d6cb-98cd-4810-839d-7180976026be

delete And also user can delete the items/category by pressing delete button. https://github.com/Zidantfnno21/MyBox/assets/98997038/38137768-efda-4b7f-b4df-a5888bd17e7a