
This project is built to record the orientation a FPV headset to allow the camera on your RC to follow your head movements.

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

RC HeadTracker

If your an RC enthusiast like myself with a FPV headset at some point you thought wouldn't it be cool if I could turn my head and the camera would follow. That is the intention of this project. It is a continuation of the work started by Dennis Frie, Mark Mansur and others in an effort to make it a more simple project.

I would like to throw out thanks to Yuri for the BLE Para work. https://github.com/ysoldak/HeadTracker

  • Please visit the for the hardware required and how to build one.
  • How to for the new BLE33 board
  • How to for the BNO055 Sensor board + Arduino Nano
  • Download the latest version from here if your running Windows 7,8,10.
  • The GUI should compile on Linux and MacOS but I have not tested it (*Firmware upload will not work).

To Do

  • Choose a fusion algorithm, went with Madgwick
  • Add calibration to the GUI
  • Save config to flash
  • Wireless PPM using a second Nano33BLE
  • FRsky trainer connection
  • Find solution to PPM output jitter from interrupt timing issues
  • Find an even better solution to PPMout jitter.. Done in firmware v0.6
  • PPM Input Functionality and testing on BLE33 (Firmware available in 0.42)
  • Add ability to program from the firmware window, sample firmware in master
  • Create binaries for Gui
  • Add rotation to mount board in other orientations BLE33


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Compiling Code

I used VS Code & Platform IO to write this. It should work equally well in Arduino's IDE if thats your choice. Please rename the Nano33BLE.cpp to Nano33BLE.ino. It will complain about the startup folder just allow it to move it. I've had an issue with the most recent JSON library so I downgraded to 6.17.2

There is also a patch that needs to be applied to the Arduino BLE library or PARA will not connect. Please see https://github.com/ysoldak/ArduinoBLE/compare/master...ysoldak:cccd_hack