- 0
Camera parameters
#39 opened by vipinsdk - 14
Speed > Quality Tuning
#18 opened by emlcpfx - 5
about running
#35 opened by bbakpil - 1
About flame parameter
#28 opened by ZCB-endeavor - 0
Why the total frame number of my input video is 613, but there are only 513 frames in the source folder
#7 opened by duan348733684 - 1
Is optimize color function necessary?
#36 opened by ZhaojunCP - 0
mouth feature parameters
#38 opened by Tiandishihua - 0
- 1
Lost 2 Lmk_68 points in lmk_embedding?
#34 opened by aixiaodewugege - 1
- 1
#31 opened by Tiandishihua - 1
About output jaw
#32 opened by lzzbutphh - 2
about pose
#26 opened by Hujiazeng - 2
#30 opened by Tiandishihua - 2
- 1
conda installing issue
#27 opened by ImistroI - 3
how to get the best identity.npy
#25 opened by DestoryVIP - 2
from whihc frame to compite identity.npy
#5 opened by haithemb - 1
- 1
how to get output mesh with texture?
#24 opened by Haobo-Liu - 2
#15 opened by zjxcc - 1
Image num not_equal_to checkpoint/*.frame
#22 opened by springtime-cn - 1
BFM License
#19 opened by emlcpfx - 1
Multiple GPUs?
#20 opened by emlcpfx - 1
Why apply gaussian blur to pyramid images?
#21 opened by chenerg - 1
Long time to generate for 1000 frames
#14 opened by alchemician - 4
- 1
Pyr Levels Question
#17 opened by emlcpfx - 2
Vertices coordinate
#16 opened by RIA1159 - 2
cuda 11 support (?) _ZNK2at6Tensor7is_cudaEv
#13 opened by yosun - 1
rotation matrix
#11 opened by 1-w-m - 2
Camera parameters
#10 opened by 1-w-m - 0
- 0
IndexError: list index out of range
#4 opened by duan348733684 - 1
EyeLid BlendShapes
#3 opened by filby89 - 1
Have you tried mediapipe's landmarks?
#2 opened by chenerg - 1