Author: Wenhao Yu (wyu1@nd.edu). ACL 2022. Commonsense Reasoning on Knowledge Graph for Text Generation

Primary LanguagePython

Diversifying Commonsense Reasoning Generation on Knowledge Graph


-- This is the pytorch implementation of our ACL 2022 paper "Diversifying Content Generation for Commonsense Reasoning with Mixture of Knowledge Graph Experts" [PDF]. In this paper, we propose MoKGE, a novel method that diversifies the generative commonsense reasoning by a mixture of expert (MoE) strategy on knowledge graphs (KG). A set of knowledge experts seek diverse reasoning on KG to encourage various generation outputs.

Create an environment


-- For torch-scatter, ${CUDA} should be replaced by either cu101 cu102 cu110 or cu111 depending on your PyTorch installation. For more information check here.

-- A docker environment could be downloaded from wenhaoyu97/divgen:5.0

We summarize some common environment installation problems and solutions here.

Preprocess the data

-- Extract English ConceptNet and build graph.

cd data
wget https://s3.amazonaws.com/conceptnet/downloads/2018/edges/conceptnet-assertions-5.6.0.csv.gz
gzip -d conceptnet-assertions-5.6.0.csv.gz
cd ../preprocess
python extract_cpnet.py
python graph_construction.py

-- Preprocess multi-hop relational paths. Set $DATA to either anlg or eg.

export DATA=eg
python ground_concepts_simple.py $DATA
python find_neighbours.py $DATA
python filter_triple.py $DATA

Run Baseline

Baseline Name Run Baseline Model Venue and Reference
Truncated Sampling bash scripts/TruncatedSampling.sh Fan et al., ACL 2018 [PDF]
Nucleus Sampling bash scripts/NucleusSampling.sh Holtzman et al., ICLR 2020 [PDF]
Variational AutoEncoder bash scripts/VariationalAutoEncoder.sh Gupta et al., AAAI 2018 [PDF]
Mixture of Experts
bash scripts/MixtureOfExpertCho.sh Cho et al., EMNLP 2019 [PDF]
Mixture of Experts
bash scripts/MixtureOfExpertShen.sh Shen et al., ICML 2019 [PDF]


-- Independently parameterizing each expert may exacerbate overfitting since the number of parameters increases linearly with the number of experts. We follow the parameter sharing schema in Cho et al., (2019); Shen et al., (2019) to avoid this issue. This only requires a negligible increase in parameters over the baseline model that does not uses MoE. Speficially, Cho et al., (2019) added a unique expert embedding to each input token, while Shen et al., (2019) added an expert prefix token before the input text sequence.

-- MoKGE-embed (Cho et al.,) bash scripts/KGMixtureOfExpertCho.sh

-- MoKGE-prompt (shen et al.,) bash scripts/KGMixtureOfExpertShen.sh


  title={Diversifying Content Generation for Commonsense Reasoning with Mixture of Knowledge Graph Experts},
  author={Yu, Wenhao and Zhu, Chenguang and Qin, Lianhui and Zhang, Zhihan and Zhao, Tong and Jiang, Meng},
  booktitle={Findings of Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL)},

Please kindly cite our paper if you find this paper and the codes helpful.


Many thanks to the Github repository of Transformers, KagNet and MultiGen.

Part of our codes are modified based on their codes.