
A serial text terminal written in Verilog for Tang SiPeed Primer FPGA

Primary LanguageVerilog


MyTerminal is a serial terminal implemented on an FPGA.



  • VGA output
    • 1280×1024@60Hz,
    • 16 colors from a 512 colors/9 bits palette
    • 16×20 1024 character set
    • semi-graphic characters
  • fast serial input (tested at 3 Mbps)
    • CTSRTS control signal when doing “intensive” operations
    • 8 characters FIFO
    • ISO-8859-15 support
  • low cost (cheap FPGA, 9 resistor DAC…)
  • written in Verilog
  • inspired by Videotex and text mode video card


Semi-graphic is a trick used by old video chipset to mimick graphic chipset while using only characters, thus requiring as little memory as possible.

Thomson EF9345, used notably in the Minitel, is such a video chipset.

Its physical resolution is 320×250 with a character matrix of 8×10, giving a 40×25 array of characters. It has 64 special characters which represents every combination of a 2×3 array of pixels (2^6). These semi-graphic characters allows to display 80×75 “pixels” with color constraints (the 2×3 pixels, as a character, only have 2 colors available).

MyTerminal has the same set of 64 characters, thus giving a 160×153 “pixels” graphic mode.

As each MyTerminal text cell is stored in 32 bits, it offers a “high resolution” graphic mode of 320×255 “pixels”. Each text cell holds 20 “pixels” (4×5). These 20 “pixels” are stored in place of attributes in the text cell. Only colors can be set while using this technique. And, again, 2 colors can be set for each 4×5 “pixels” array.


  • Tang SiPeed Primer (Anlogic Eagle EG4S20BG256)
  • Tang Dynasty 5.0.5
  • Icarus Verilog
  • Python 3
  • Google Chrome if you wish to use the JavaScript demo files

Using MyTerminal as a Linux terminal

If you want to use MyTerminal under Linux, you first need to install the MyTerminal terminfo file located.

This requires the tic, the terminfo entry-description compiler. The following command will compile the file and install it for the current user:

tic myterminal.ti

Once installed, the following commands must be issued:

export TERM=myterminal
export LC_CTYPE='fr_FR.ISO-8859-15@euro'
export LANG="$LC_CTYPE"
stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0 3000000 raw

Note: /dev/ttyUSB0 must be replaced with the device file attributed to MyTerminal by your Linux OS.

Escape codes (from host to terminal)

Code (hexa) Function
01 21 Clear entire screen, move cursor to top left position
01 28 Clear end of current line
01 29 Clear beginning of current line
01 2A Clear end of screen
01 2B Clear beginning of screen
01 2D Clear current line
01 30+n Clear the n characters to the right of the current position
02 40+n Set foreground color (0≤n<16)
02 50+n Set background color (0≤n<16)
03 44+n Use pattern n with an and logical function
03 45+n Use pattern n with an or logical function
03 46+n Use pattern n with an xor logical function
03 47+n Use border n
04 30+y 30+x Move cursor absolute position (x, y) 0≤x<80, 0≤y<51
04 23 30+x Move cursor to column x, 0≤x<80
04 30+y 23 Move cursor to row y, 0≤y<51
05 2A Reset attributes to default
05 30 Set normal size
05 31 Set double width
05 32 Set double height
05 33 Set double size
05 42 Enable blinking
05 48 Enable highlight
05 52 Enable reverse video
05 55 Enable underline
05 62 Disable blinking
05 68 Disable highlight
05 72 Disable reverse video
05 75 Disable underline
06 43 Show text cursor
06 63 Hide text cursor
06 64 Set text orientation from top to bottom (no auto-scroll)
06 6c Set text orientation from right to left
06 72 Set text orientation from left to right
06 75 Set text orientation from bottom to top (no auto-scroll)
08 20+a Select attributes to apply when using 1A sequence code (*)
0B Scroll screen up (does not move cursor)
0C Scroll screen down (does not move cursor)
0E Move cursor up
0F Move cursor down
10 Move cursor left
11 Move cursor right
12 20+n Repeat last character n times
13 Use character page 0, see charpage.pdf
14 Use character page 1, see charpage.pdf
15 Use character page 2, see charpage.pdf
16 Use character page 3, see charpage.pdf
17 Use character page 4, see charpage.pdf
18 Use hi-res graphics
19 30 Mouse cursor default
19 31 Mouse cursor pointer
19 32 Mouse cursor not allowed
19 33 Mouse cursor wait
19 34 Mouse cursor move
19 35 Mouse cursor grab
19 36 Mouse cursor crosshair
19 37 Mouse cursor cell
19 40 Hide mouse cursor and disable mouse events
19 41 Show mouse cursor and enable mouse events
1A 20+n Apply currently selected attributes to the n next characters

(*) a works as follows:

  • bit 6: apply current background color
  • bit 5: apply current foreground color
  • bit 4: apply current pattern
  • bit 3: apply current function
  • bit 2: apply current underline
  • bit 1: apply current video inverse
  • bit 0: apply current blinking setting


Pattern index Pattern image

Mouse events

When mouse events are enabled (0x19, 0x41), MyTerminal sends control codes whenever the mouse is used by the user (movements, click).

Every mouse events is composed of 4 bytes starting with 0x1e.

0x1e 0x80+mouse_x 0x80+mouse_y 0x80+modifiers

Modifiers works as follows:

  • bit 7: always 1
  • bit 6: meta key is pressed
  • bit 5: alt key is pressed
  • bit 4: ctrl key is pressed
  • bit 3: shift key is pressed
  • bit 2: middle button is pressed
  • bit 1: right button is pressed
  • bit 0: left button is pressed


This is work in progress!