Welcome to our Daycare Management System! This system displays basic information about students and teachers. Additionally, it tracks and manages students' registration and immunization records, and it evaluates teachers' performance ratings.

Here is the tutorial for this system: (MORE DETAIL AND INSTRUCTIONS ARE STORED IN README.PDF)

  1. When you first come to our system, there is a login page for you to enter username and password. For the first time user, please select register option.After you register your account:

  2. Press the return to login button and enter your username and password to login.

  3. Press the start key to continue.

  4. This system divides students into different class depends on their age. User can select a different class in the top left corner. Also, if user wants to see more detail about each group, you can select the class and click the “View Detail” button:

  5. After selecting a class and clicking “View Detail”, there is the interface showing each group student’s immunization status. There is a “View Teacher” button for showing teacher’s information and evaluating teacher’s performance. Also, there is a “View Student” button for showing student’s information and managing student registration and immunization record.

  6. After clicking the “View Teacher” button in step 5, that is a teacher’s evaluation interface. Users can view teacher’s information and give evaluation from 0 to 5 marks.

  7. If User select a student and press the “View Detail in step 5, that is the interface showing student’s immunization record and registration record. The “Take Shot” button will update today’s date as the last time and change the expiration date in immunization record. The “Register” button will update today’s date as the Last Registration Time and change the Next Registration Time in registration record.

  8. That is the all the functionality of Daycare system. All the changes in this system is stored in the output.txt file for management purpose.

Video demo: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Zvsd20JUNR6r17kAQIiHOXNChCCzVR5H?usp=sharing

PowerPoint demo: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1tV66H3JLFViO2LAw9qp94LTAj0stovyWxhY1nsb2TIQ/edit?usp=sharing

Team Detail Contribution:

Zihal Lu: Project Manager, UI design, Build basic project framework and Video Recording

Siyuen Liu: Function implementation and code maintenance

Haonan Chen: UML Design, code maintenance and PowerPoint Design

Jiawei Liao: Function implementation, code maintenance and write instruction file

Dongyu Liu: Function implementation and code maintenance

MingTse Chen: Code review and maintenance

Xuanli Liu: Function implementation and code maintenance