
Start Kit for React component.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Start kit for react component.


  • storybook
  • typescript
  • Jest
  • Tslint
  • prettier
  • less
  • publish
  • don't import style in index.tsx
  • produce .less .css .css.map .min.css .min.css.map
  • produce .less .css when run tsc

How to run

# install dependecies
$ yarn install

# build the following files:
#   es/         --> the typings for es module
#   lib/        --> the typings for umd module
#   dist/
#       react-component-start-kit.js
#       react-component-start-kit.js.map
#       react-component-start-kit.min.js
#       react-component-start-kit.min.js.map
#       react-component-start-kit.css
#       react-component-start-kit.css.map
# only produce a total css file because this is a single component,     
# it's unnecessary to load on demand. 
$ yarn build

# run storybook server
$ yarn storybook

# run test
# We only test files ended with .ts or .tsx
$ yarn test

# publish package to npm
# we will run `yarn lint:ts` `yarn build` for prepublish
$ yarn publish



  1. We have to two tsconfig.json files.
  • The first one is ./tsconfig.json, in order to build component to dist/.js and dist/.css.
    It sets rootDir with ./src, and excludes ./stories. So it only compiles ./src.
    It is used in ./webpack.config.js.
  • The other one is ./stories/tsconfig.json, in order to build static-storybook, run storybook, and lint the whole proejct.
    It sets rootDir with ./, includes ./stories and ./src. So it compiles the whole project includes ./src and ./stories.
    It is used in ./.storybook/webpack.config.js, and ./package.json for the command lint:ts.
  1. Default value of include in tsconifg.json.
    include in tsconfig.json is **/*.
    It includes current directories and all sub directories normally.
    But include with value **/* is confused in ./stories/tsconfig.json.
    Because it represents ./stories/**/*, and .stories/../*.
    As a result, we set include with value ../**/* instead in ./stories/tsconfig.json.

  2. Who will be compiled?

  • The files in include, and not in exclude.
  • The files in fiels, with regards of `exclude.
  • The file which is imported in compiled file, even if it is not in include.


In order to produce both minify and unminify css and js, we use webpack two times.
It's ugly and ineffective, maybe we can use gulp with webpack.