This app has basic tools for productivity, like timers, to-do lists, and habit trackers.
- Stopwatch timer to check how long you have been focusing on the task
- Pomodoro timer with an option to change minutes for work, pause, and the long pause
- The stat panels show your total time during the day, week, and the month
- To-do lists with the possibility to move tasks a little right (as if it was part of the main task)
- Option to edit and delete created list
- Use the projects tab to group to-do lists, if you want a separate group of lists for different projects
- Habits with name, a short description and an option to choose a theme
To do list:
Habit tracker:
- There are 3 main Python files that contain all the logic:
- where the app is run
- where the logic for panels is created
- for some constant values
- Besides, there is a "storing data" folder to store all the necessary data like lists, habits, projects, total time (done by pickle module)
- In the dist folder, there is the main folder that contains the exe file for the program (built with pyinstaller on Windows, so probably runs only on Windows :/ )
- Custom colors in projects
- Settings tab
- Custom theme for the whole app
- Drag and drop tasks from one list to another at least in the projects tab
- Gallery like view for habit trackers and to-do lists