
Starting with a single ~400 KB TinyCC binary, compile a Clang 17 toolchain and Nix package manager

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Bootstrap a modern toolchain for ZilchOS Core starting from a random trusted statically linked seed tcc (+ trusted kernel on trusted hardware, of course).

~320 KB binary + gigs of sources = a modern Clang + musl toolchain, usable for building much more serious stuff.

My goal is to beeline for bootstrapping Nix package manager, then bootstrap a usable toolchain using Nix. But even if you don't care about Nix, this repo might be of some interest for minimal binary seed bootstrappers.

Separate packages aren't just dumped into /, they're properly managed, each one residing in its own prefix under /store.

x86_64-only for now, possibly forever.


I wanted to build a minimal distro to understand NixOS better, so I decided to have a decent trusted binary core bootstrap as well.

Could be of use for bootstrapping other distributions.

I'm aware of https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/stage0 which does even better, but I'm not as hardcore as them, so, let's start small.


In brief

Compiler chain so far (recipes): input TinyCC -> stable TinyCC -> GNU GCC 4 -> GNU GCC 10 -> -> Clang

recipes/1-stage1.c is the most fun, since we don't have libc yet.

Then I build Nix and start the entire bootstrapping chain all over again, but now using that Nix I've built (using-nix).

Outlined bootstrap order

  • stage 0: seeded binary tcc
  • stage 1 (recipes/1-stage1.c / using-nix/1-stage1.nix, no libc):
    • libtcc1
    • protomusl
    • tcc
    • libtcc1
    • protomusl
    • tcc that is gonna be the final one
    • libtcc1
    • protomusl
    • tcc that we build just to prove the finality of the previous one
    • protobusybox
  • stage 2 "compiler ascension" part (recipes/2a*.sh / using-nix/2a*.nix):
    • gnumake
    • binutils
    • gnugcc4
    • musl
    • gnugcc4
    • gnugcc10
    • linux-headers
    • cmake
    • python
    • clang
  • stage 2 "build with the new compiler" part (recipes/2b*.sh):
    • musl
    • clang
    • busybox
    • gnumake
  • stage 3 "dependencies of useful stuff" (recipes/3a*.sh): ???
    • sqlite
    • boost
    • mbedtls
    • pkg-config
    • curl
    • editline
    • brotli
    • gnugperf
    • seccomp
    • libarchive
    • libsodium
    • lowdown
  • stage 3 "useful stuff" (recipes/3b*.sh): ???
    • busybox-static
    • tinycc-static (1st time only)
    • nix

Then repeat stage 1 and most of stage 2 all over again, but under Nix. The final exports of this flake are musl, clang toolchain and a busybox that ZilchOS Core later bootstraps from.

  • stage 4 "rebootstrap with nix" (recipes/4-rebootstrap-using-nix.sh): build the toolchain again from scratch, but using nix (using-nix/)

  • stage 5 "go beyond using nix" (recipes/5-go-beyond-using-nix.sh): build some stale version of ZilchOS Core with the nix we've built, culminating with a bootable ZilchOS ISO.

In more detail


  • statically linked target tcc (tcc-seed, you have to provide it)
  • host unshare for chrooting and isolation
  • host wget, tar, gzip, bzip2, sha256sum, tar for optional convenient fetching of source files in stage 0
  • host sed to preprocess the sources needed for stage 1, unfortunately
  • a replacement for musl/arch/x86_64/syscall_arch.h that works with tcc (syscall.h)
  • a bunch of sources to execute along the way

`download.sh" downloads a ton of sources, scraping hashes/URLs from recipes

seed.sh seeds:

  • unpacks sources into the stage area
  • FIXME: uses host sed/rm for preprocessing stage 1 source code, unfortunately
  • copies seed-tcc, the only starting binary, into the stage area

At the end of it we obtain a ton of sources and a single externally seeded tcc binary.

recipes/1-stage1.c, executed with tcc -run:

  • compiles a libtcc1.a from tinycc sources
  • compiles a protomusl libc.a and others from musl sources
  • compiles the first tcc that comes from our sources
  • recompiles libtcc1.a from tinycc sources
  • recompiles protomusl libc.a and others from musl sources
  • recompiles our tcc with our tcc
  • recompiles libtcc1.a from tinycc sources just in case
  • recompiles protomusl libc.a and others from musl sources just in case
  • compiles and links standalone applets out of busybox, notably ash
  • copies over protomusl include files
  • recompiles tcc once again and verifies that we've previously reached a stability point

At the end of stage 1 we have, all linked statically:

  • a tcc (+ libtcc + libtcc1) that recompiles to same binary
  • a protomusl libc.a (+ crt stuff)
  • select standalone busybox applets, most notably ash

stage2.sh, executed with protobusybox ash:

  • Performs 'compiler ascension' from tcc to GNU GCC 4:

    • gnumake, intermediate, built without make
    • gnumake, statically linked
    • binutils, statically linked
    • gnugcc4, statically linked
    • musl, now a shared library as well
    • gnugcc4 with C++ support and linking to a shared musl
    • gnugcc10
    • linux-headers (clang & cmake dependency)
    • cmake (clang dependency)
    • python (clang dependency, presumably)
    • clang, intermediate, 2-stage
  • Recompile the world with clang, free of GNU runtime libs:

    • musl, final
    • clang, final
    • busybox, final
    • gnumake, final
  • Build a bunch of Nix dependencies

  • Build Nix

  • Start over, build toolchain, build ZilchOS Core

Building options

There are three major ways to build it.

If you have Nix and want to skip the first half that bootstraps Nix, you can just nix build, but what's the fun in taking shortcuts =). You'll need experimental-features = nix-command flakes ca-derivations.

If you want to do a full bootstrap with all imaginable speedups enabled, try something to the tune of make all-pkgs all-tests verify-all-pkgs-checksums -j2 NPROC=$(nproc) USE_CCACHE=1 USE_NIX_CACHE=1. Dependencies: host GNU Make, host zstd, basic host stuff like sed and bash, a target TinyCC you supply or Nix to build you one. This is the recommended way, especially shining when you iteratively debug reproducibility-unrelated build problems. Consider mounting tmp/build as tmpfs with 8G size.

Finally, the least-dependency way is NPROC=$(nproc) ./build.sh. This one doesn't even need GNU Make or zstd, but there are zero intermediate checkpoints, you always start all over. Very impractical, this is for increased portability only.


Reproducibility is deeply cared about, but it's a constant struggle and one cannot foresee everything.

Hashes are checked for intermediate steps for both make and nix builds. raw builds only verify the resulting ZilchOS Core ISO built during stage5. I try to build on different machines and note down the results in git notes. Commits require a specific (but adjustable) amount of successful make, raw and nix before getting into the main branch. Refer to make all-with-make, make all-raw and make all-with-nix to see what exactly is being tested.

For hard mode, you can try USE_DISORDERFS.

For ZilchOS/core, see .maint/hashes and .maint/tools/hashes.