
Welcome to the Wyaitt! This project generates images based on today's news.

How it works

Main components

First, the project uses GPT, an OpenAI language model, to select an article with today's news. GPT is able to generate natural language prompts based on a given article, which are then used as input for the Midjourney API.

Midjourney is an image generation API that uses machine learning algorithms to create sketches based on the text prompts.


The sketches generated by Midjourney are inspired by the main concepts and keywords of the news article. This can include objects, feelings, people, and events. For example, if the news article is about a wildfire, the sketch may incorporate elements such as flames, smoke, trees, and firefighters.

Prompt Strategy

The prompt strategy used by GPT is designed to capture the main ideas of the news article, while also allowing for some variation and creativity in the generated prompts. The strategy involves selecting a few key phrases and words from the article, and then using those as the basis for the prompt.

Prompt Strategy consist of steps.

The step consists of two main parts:

  1. Request with text: The first part of the prompt strategy involves selecting relevant text from the news article and using it to generate a language prompt. The language prompt includes a sequence of words and phrases that describe the main ideas or concepts of the article.

  2. Description of an actor: The second part of the prompt strategy involves describing a fictional character or actor. This description is used to add an additional creative element to the prompt and helps to make the resulting sketches more interesting and unique.


All outputs are posted daily here:

  1. https://www.instagram.com/wyaitt.scetches/