Static website generated with ❤️ and fornax
This website demonstrates the aims of the fslab organisation as an incubation space for data science projects in F# and .NET:
- fslab as a home for community projects to get rejuvenated or to get more traction
- A endorsement list with both fslab and external projects for data science in .NET, categorized by position in the data science workflow
- High-quality learning material:
- intro to F# for datascience, assuming 0 programming knowledge
- high-level advanced tutorials, combining several endorsed tools to a data science stack
To add a project, fork this repo and add a <your-project>.md
file to the respective subfolder in /projects
for projects concerned with Aprojects/B
for projects concerned with Bprojects/C
for projects concerned with Cprojects/D
for projects concerned with D
- currently, .NET core 3.1.XXX is used, will be upgraded to .net5 when tools are ready
- you need to install Sass(command line) to compile the .scss styles to the actual stylesheet
To develop the project in watcher mode, go to /src
and run:
dotnet tool restore
dotnet fornax watch
This will run a webserver that serves the compiled static page(s) on localhost:8080