
This is an app that allows the user to create profiles and create records for every profile.

Primary LanguageJava


This is an app that allows the user to create profiles and create records for every profile.
The app uses SQLite databases to store the profiles and their records (2 tables One-To-Many).


  • Notifications (mainly birthday notifications) require Build.VERSION_CODES.N
  • Personal Profile/Records are stored in seperate tables (total number of tables: 4)

Undone Work

  • Records containing ViewPager (multiple images) need to be changed into horizontal RecyclerViews.
  • If New-Posts-Notification is checked in the SettingsActivity, make onCreate() of the main activity (AllDataActivity) loop on profiles,
    take every social media link (Facebook mainly) and check if the profile has new posts from last check (threading). If true, notify the user.

Probability of Further Coding
