Arduino Display Library for SPI E-Paper Displays

  • GxEPD2 variant with support for 4 grey levels on supported e-papers

  • With full Graphics and Text support using Adafruit_GFX

  • For SPI e-paper displays from Dalian Good Display

  • and SPI e-paper boards from Waveshare

note on grey level support

  • 4 grey levels are available on some e-papers that support differential refresh
  • 4 grey level support can be used instead of differential refresh
  • "old data" and "new data" controller buffers provides 2 bits per pixel
  • the 4 states per pixel can produce 4 grey levels using a special waveform
  • the 4 grey level waveform table is taken from demo from Good Display
  • the 4 grey levels may differ from display to display, and may be temperature dependent
  • ghosting can't be avoided; using clearScreen() helps

important note :

  • the display panels are for 3.3V supply and 3.3V data lines
  • never connect data lines directly to 5V Arduino data pins, use e.g. 4k7/10k resistor divider
  • series resistor only is not enough for reliable operation (back-feed effect through protection diodes)
  • 4k7/10k resistor divider may not work with flat cable extensions or Waveshare 4.2 board, use level converter then
  • do not forget to connect GND
  • the actual Waveshare display boards now have level converters and series regulator, safe for 5V
  • use 3k3 pull-down on SS for ESP8266 for boards with level converters
  • note that 7.5" e-paper displays don't work reliable if fed from 3.3V Arduino pin
  • note that Waveshare boards with "clever" reset circuit may need shortened reset pulse
  • use init(115200, true, 2, false) for Waveshare boards with "clever" reset circuit
  • note that Waveshare boards with "clever" reset circuit need 1k pull-up on RST on ESP8266, or different pin
  • note that the new Waveshare Universal e-Paper Raw Panel Driver HAT Rev 2.3 needs PWR connected to VCC or driven HIGH
  • see https://www.waveshare.com/wiki/E-Paper_Driver_HAT

Paged Drawing, Picture Loop

  • This library uses paged drawing to limit RAM use and cope with missing single pixel update support
  • buffer size can be selected in the application by template parameter page_height, see GxEPD2_Example
  • Paged drawing is implemented as picture loop, like in U8G2 (Oliver Kraus)
  • see https://github.com/olikraus/u8glib/wiki/tpictureloop
  • Paged drawing is also available using drawPaged() and drawCallback(), like in GxEPD
  • // GxEPD style paged drawing; drawCallback() is called as many times as needed
  • void drawPaged(void (*drawCallback)(const void*), const void* pv)
  • paged drawing is done using Adafruit_GFX methods inside picture loop or drawCallback

Full Screen Buffer Support

  • full screen buffer is selected by setting template parameter page_height to display height
  • drawing to full screen buffer is done using Adafruit_GFX methods without picture loop or drawCallback
  • and then calling method display()

Low Level Bitmap Drawing Support

  • bitmap drawing support to the controller memory and screen is available:
  • either through the template class instance methods that forward calls to the base display class
  • or directly using an instance of a base display class and calling its methods directly

Supporting Arduino Forum Topics:

Note on documentation

  • GxEPD2_4G uses Adafruit_GFX for Graphics and Text support, which is well documented there
  • GxEPD2_4G uses meaningful method names, and has some comments in the header files
  • consult the header files GxEPD2_4G_BW.h, GxEPD2_4G_4G.h and GxEPD2_4G_GFX.h
  • for the concept of paged drawing and picture loop see:
  • https://github.com/olikraus/u8glib/wiki/tpictureloop

Note on issues and pull requests

  • issues should be reported in the Arduino Forum Displays.
  • issues on GitHub are disabled; there were too many false issues.
  • pull requests are not welcome, will not be merged.
  • pull requests can't be disabled, but will be closed.
  • please place information about interesting fork additions in the Arduino Forum Displays.

Supported SPI e-paper panels from Good Display:

  • GDEY0154D67 1.54" b/w 200x200, SSD1681
  • GDEW0213I5F 2.13" b/w 104x212, UC8151 (IL0373), flexible
  • GDEY0213B74 2.13" b/w 122x250, SSD1680
  • GDEW027W3 2.7" b/w 176x264, EK79652 (IL91874)
  • GDEW029T5 2.9" b/w 128x296, UC8151 (IL0373)
  • GDEW029T5D 2.9" b/w 128x296, UC8151D
  • GDEW029I6FD 2.9" b/w 128x296, UC8151D, flexible
  • GDEM029T94 2.9" b/w 128x296, SSD1680
  • GDEW0371W7 3.7" b/w 240x416, UC8171 (IL0324)
  • GDEW042T2 4.2" b/w 400x300, UC8176 (IL0398)
  • GDEY042T81 4.2" b/w 400x300, SSD1683
  • GDEQ0426T82 4.26" b/w 800x480, SSD1677
  • GDEW075T7 7.5" b/w 800x480, EK79655 (GD7965)

Version 1.0.7

  • added support for GDEY0154D67 200x200
  • added support for GDEY0213B74 122x250
  • added support for GDEY042T81 400x300
  • added support for GDEQ0426T82 480x800

Version 1.0.6

  • added support for mixed b/w and 4G content, fast b/w partial refresh on grey background
  • added classes GxEPD2_4G_BW_R and GxEPD2_4G_4G_R, for reference to common driver class
  • added example GxEPD2_4G_MixedExample to show use of fast b/w on grey
  • mixed content is experimental
  • mixed content with fast b/w refresh can't be used with GDEM029T94
  • added option to select an alternate HW SPI channel and/or SPI settings
  • by method selectSPI(SPIClass& spi, SPISettings spi_settings) of driver base class GxEPD2_4G_EPD
  • by calling selectSPI before calling init() of display class
  • or by calling extended init() method that has these parameters added
  • tested with RPi Pico RP2040 using Good Display DESPI-PICO connection shield
  • updated GxEPD2_4G_Example to show use with DESPI-PICO
  • DESPI-PICO: see https://www.good-display.com/product/393.html
  • added optional init parameter "reset_duration" in ms
  • reset_duration = 2 may help with "clever" reset circuit of newer boards from Waveshare
  • changed the default reset duration to 10ms instead of 20ms
  • changed the delay after reset to 10ms or reset duration, whichever is higher, instead of 200ms
  • added a busyCallback feature, to allow to service periodic actions during wait for BUSY termination
  • // register a callback function to be called during _waitWhileBusy continuously.
  • void setBusyCallback(void (*busyCallback)(const void*), const void* busy_callback_parameter = 0);
  • added some updates to solve compiler warnings (ALL for GCC for AVR)

Version 1.0.5

  • fix for STM32 official package pin number range (int16_t)
  • fix for refresh(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t w, int16_t h) methods screen intersection

Version 1.0.4

  • added support for GDEW029T5D
  • added support for GDEW029I6FD
  • added support for GDEM029T94
  • GDEM029T94 has no partial refresh with grey refresh mode
  • improved handling of switching between refresh modes

Version 1.0.3

  • renamed top level files and classes to allow co-existence of installed GxEPD2_4G and GxEPD2
  • fixed drawGreyPixmap() issues
  • additional fixes

Version 1.0.2

  • added method drawGreyPixmap() to buffered graphics
  • void drawGreyPixmap(const uint8_t pixmap[], int16_t depth, int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t w, int16_t h);

Version 1.0.1

  • added support for GDEW075T7
  • GDEW075T7 uses same wavetable as the other ones, no "official" (demo) yet
  • GDEW075T7 grey level behaviour is less good than e.g. on GDEW0371W7
  • some fixes and improvements

Version 1.0.0

  • initial version for 4 grey level support, experimental
  • (slow) partial refresh doesn't work with 4G on some panels