
Information kring Discover:Hackathon


Information on Discover:Hackathon at Claremont


We encourage you to use our Slack channel: https://claremont-hackathon.slack.com. You should have gotten an invite in your mailbox previously, otherwise contact oskar.lind@claremont.se.

Google Home Documentation

This is the official docs site for Google Home development: https://developers.google.com/actions/

Read specifically the guide on https://developers.google.com/actions/extending-the-assistant

A really simple tutorial for developing and testing your first Google Home app can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_oKhSWnGCFM

Key terms regarding Actions on Google

  • Intent: A goal or task that users want to do, such as ordering coffee or finding a piece of music. In Actions on Google, this is represented as a unique identifier and the corresponding user utterances that can trigger the intent.
  • Action: An interaction you build for the Assistant that supports a specific intent and has a corresponding fulfillment that processes the intent.
  • Fulfillment: A service, app, feed, conversation, or other logic that handles an intent and carries out the corresponding Action.


Create mock API:s: https://www.mockable.io/, https://www.mocky.io/, https://mockoon.com/

Test API calls locally or remote: https://www.getpostman.com/



Erik Forsberg (Claremont) created an awesome guide for Handelsbanken which is available here. https://developer.handelsbanken.com/getting-started

  1. Sign up for a developer account at https://developer.handelsbanken.com/user/register
  2. Register you app and get a clientid at https://developer.handelsbanken.com/application
  3. Subscribe to the apies you want to have access to.
  4. Use example auth token from https://developer.handelsbanken.com/files/shb-psd2-accounts-testdata.pdf

Example postman collection for Handelsbanken (just add you clientid) Postman collection



  1. Sign up for a developer account on https://developer.sebgroup.com/user/register
  2. Read "Getting started" at https://developer.sebgroup.com/getting-started

SEB uses oauth2 flow for authentication. Create a new app here: https://developer.sebgroup.com/application/new



  1. Sign up for an account at https://apideveloper.swedavia.se/signup
  2. Go to "https://apideveloper.swedavia.se/getting-started" for a useful overview on how to use the API:s
  3. Happy hacking!


https://www.trafiklab.se and https://www.trafiklab.se/hur-gor-jag

  1. Sign up for an accout at https://www.trafiklab.se/user/register
  2. Create a project
  3. Get an API key to use in your API calls
  4. Happy hacking!


No account needed. Access to weather forecasts for a specific geographical location. http://opendata.smhi.se/apidocs/metfcst/index.html http://opendata.smhi.se/apidocs/metfcst/demo_point.html

Öppna data

https://oppnadata.se/ Public sector data.

Other sources

  • apikatalogen.se

Other services

Azure Cognitive Services



Sample code by Rickard Svensson (Claremont) here