Some classifications in questions worth reviewing
- String search: 028 (passed with basic search; consider KMP)
- 635 Strings are comparable!
- 001 Unsorted Two Sum with O(n) time
- 015 Three Sum with O(n^2) time
- 016 Three Sum Closest
- 018 Four Sum
- 039 Combination Sum
- 040 Combination Sum 2
- 562 Methods to traverse a 2D array (matrix)
- 011 Container with Most Water with O(n) time. Prove correctness.
- 004 Median of Two Sorted Arrays with O(log(n)) time
- 017 Letter Combination. Array traversal.
- 020 How to recursively define validity of a parenthesis string and figure out a way to divide-and-conquer it easily?
- 022 How to make a combo of bracket always balanced?
- 050 Power to a very large exponential.
- 102 (Java) Generics are not covariants StackOverflow
- 659 Usage of Python collections and enumeration. Difference between subsequence and substring.
- 660 What does it mean by removing 9?
- 665 Decide if an array is non-decreasing (with <=1 anomaly)
- 667 Beautiful arrangement 2: construct a list of length n containing [1,n] where the abs differences between neighbors form exactly k distinct numbers
- Number elimination:
- Original Joseph question: eliminate one, skip one, in circle. Memorize the solution (2*l+1 where l is the
) - 390 eliminate one, skip one, go backwards in array, repeat
- 810 Chalkboard XOR game: A first, eliminate one number each time. If all numbers XOR to 0 A wins. Can A win?
- 825 & 826 optimization.
- 008 atoi
- 012 013 Integer / Roman conversions
- 010 Regular Expression Matching
- 278 Remember how to implement Binary search
- 33 Binary search: Two pointers pointing to the {pos 0 and pos length}, then while (j>i+1); ans is in mid=i. There can be other ways to do so: {pos 0 and pos length-1}, then while (j>i); ans is in i==j==mid==ans. See revised solution.
- 74 also binary search
- 37 Backtracking search to solve Sudoku
- 638 Applying coupon to products.
- 646 Sort a 2d primitive type array in Java and Python (Syntax!)
- 658 K-nearest elements of an array: Effecient code in Python
- 668 Find the kth largest number in the multiplication table.
- 042 Trapping rain water (1D)
- 072 Edit Distance (2D)
- 583 Longest Common Subsequence (and comparison with Longest Common Substring)
- 634 Array Dearrangement
- 639 Decode ways 2. Figure out how to DP and write codes concisely.
- 801 Minimum swaps needed to make sequences strictly increasing.
- 813 Largest sum of averages of K adjacent groups
- 587 Convex hull (implemented is Grahm's scan in Python)
- 593 How to decide whether coordinates form a square
- 858 How to consider mirror reflection?
- 019 Remove the nth element (counting from the back) from a linked list, in a single pass
- 023 Merge k sorted linked lists. Usage of PriorityQueue
- 592 A simplified string to number calculator.
- 036 Java: Use HashSet.add() return values smartly.
- 209 Implement a basic Trie. Remember how to let it support "search" and "startsWith".
- 642 Auto-complete search. Do it with a Trie.
- 648 Also a Trie problem.
- 785 Bipartite graph
- 890 Check bipartite-able
- 787 Cheapest flights within k stops
- 802 Search for eventually safe states
- 815 Bus Routes
- 146 Least Recently Used cache data structure design.