Mobile CV Application

Task: Mobile CV Application (HNGX Internship Task)

This Flutter-based mobile application provides a comprehensive and interactive CV presentation platform, allowing users to view and edit personal and professional details conveniently. The app displays essential information like Full name, Slack username, GitHub handle, and a brief personal bio on the initial screen (CV View), providing a well-organized and easily accessible overview of the CV.

Table of Contents


The Mobile CV Application is designed to showcase a personal CV in a clean and user-friendly interface. The application includes the following key features:

  • CV View (Home/First Page): Displaying personal and professional details.
  • Editing Capability: Users can edit CV details by tapping the "Edit Details" button, which leads to a dedicated screen with user-friendly fields for modifying the existing CV data.
  • Real-time Updates: After saving changes to the CV details, the application dynamically reflects the edits on the home/first page without requiring a manual refresh.
  • No Third-party Dependencies: The application has been developed exclusively using Flutter's native capabilities, without integrating any third-party tools, packages, plugins, or libraries.


  1. CV View Screen:

    • Initial screen upon opening the app.
    • Displays personal and professional details.
    • Pre-filled with default CV information.
  2. Editing Screen:

    • Edit CV details using user-friendly input fields.
    • Dedicated screen for modifying the CV data.
    • Save changes to update the CV.
  3. Real-time Updates:

    • Dynamic reflection of edits on the CV View screen.
    • No manual refresh needed after saving changes.


Here are some screenshots of the application:

Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2 Screenshot 3 Screenshot 4


To experience the app, you can access the Mobile CV Application Demo via

Setup Instructions

To set up the Mobile CV Application locally on your development environment, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine:
  2. Navigate to the project directory:
  3. Install the necessary dependencies using Flutter:
  4. Run the application on your preferred emulator or connected device:


  1. Upon launching the application, the CV View (home/first page) will display pre-filled personal and professional information.

  2. To edit the CV details:

  • Tap the "Edit Details" button to access the editing screen.
  • Modify the CV particulars using the provided user-friendly fields.
  • Tap "Save" to save the changes and see real-time updates on the CV View screen.


Contributions to the Mobile CV Application are welcome! If you'd like to contribute, please follow these guidelines:

  • Fork the repository and create a new branch for your contribution.
  • Make your changes and submit a pull request.