
Custom android Toast with Material Design

Primary LanguageJava

Material Design Toast

MD-Toast is a simple and light Open Source Android library which, proposes Toasts (popup) with Material Design render.


  • Info

    Info Toast

  • Success

    Success Toast

  • Warning

    Warning Toast

  • Error

    Error Toast


You can check the demo Here

Getting Started

Add Gradle dependency in the build.gradle file of your application module (app in the most cases) :

dependencies {
    compile 'com.valdesekamdem.library:md-toast:0.9.0'

Now you can use MDToast as you wish by following the bellow code:

MDToast mdToast = MDToast.makeText(Context context, String message, int duration, int type);
  • context : is the context where Toast is called. In most cases it takes value this from activities or getActivity() from fragments.
  • message : The message to display.
  • duration (optional) : the duration of the toast.
    • MDToast.LENGTH_LONG : for a long duration.
    • MDToast.LENGTH_SHORT : for a short duration.
  • type (optional) : The type of toast to display.
    • MDToast.TYPE_INFO : for info toast
    • MDToast.TYPE_SUCCESS : for success toast
    • MDToast.TYPE_WARNING : for warning toast
    • MDToast.TYPE_ERROR : for error toast

Important to know : If you don't specify the toast's duration and type, by default MDToast will used MDToast.LENGTH_SHORT for duration and MDToast.TYPE_INFO for type.

You can change the parameters during the runtime.

  • mdToast.setIcon(Drawable icon) : To set a drawable as the toast icon.

  • mdToast.setIcon(int iconId): To provide the icon resource id.

  • mdToast.setText(String message) : To change the message of the toast.

  • mdToast.setType(int type) : To change the type of the toast.

Note that MDToast inherits from Toast so you can always handle it as you do with Toast


Want to contribute ? You are welcome ! We are waiting for your pull requests.
