
Code to accompany presentation at DCSC SciML Tutorial 22/11/2024

Primary LanguageJuliaMIT LicenseMIT


Code to accompany the presentation at DCSC SciML Tutorial 22/11/2024.


Before the tutorial, please have completed the following list of items.

  1. Install Julia (see the Julia download page).
  2. Clone this repository and open a terminal in the root folder of the repo.
  3. Run julia --project=. - this will start Julia with the environment configured to the current folder (and by extension use the Project.toml file in this folder to determine dependencies).
  4. Press ] to enter into the Pkg mode of the REPL and run the following three commands in order:
    1. resolve - will find the newest compatible set of dependencies according to Project.toml.
    2. instantiate - download the dependencies (will automatically resolve if no Manifest.toml is present).
    3. precompile - run the precompilation on all dependencies. Not strictly necessary since it will automatically precompile upon first execution, but running the command means we can skip the precompilation and speed up the tutorial.


For an editor for Julia, I can recommend VS Code with the Julia extension.