
Pixiv API for Python

Primary LanguagePython


Pixiv API for Python (with Auth supported)

  • [2014/10/07] new framework, SAPI / Public-API supported (requests needed)

Requirements: requests, use pip to install:

pip install requests


api = PixivAPI()

api.login("username", "password")

# get origin url
json_result = api.papi.get_works(45455208)
illust = json_result.response[0]
print "origin url: %s" % illust.image_urls['large']

### Authentication required! call api.login first!
print(">>> sapi.get_bookmark(1418182, page=1)")
bookmark_list = api.sapi.get_bookmark(1418182)
for img in bookmark_list:


  1. Blog: Pixiv Public-API (OAuth)分析

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me: rmusique@gmail.com

Find Pixiv API in Objective-C? You might also like PixivAPI_iOS

API functions



class Pixiv_SAPI(object):

	# 每日排行
	# content: [all, male, female, original]
	# mode: [day, week, month]
	# p: [1-n]
	def ranking(self, content='all', mode='day', p=1):

	# 过去的排行
	# Date_Year: 2014
	# Date_Month: 04
	# Date_Day: 01
	# mode: [daily, weekly, monthly, male, female, rookie]
	#       require_auth[daily_r18, weekly_r18, male_r18, female_r18, r18g]
	# p: [1-n]
	def ranking_log(self, Date_Year, Date_Month, Date_Day,
									mode="weekly", p=1, require_auth=False):

	# 作品信息 (新版客户端已使用 PAPI/works 代替)
	# require_auth - 获取r18作品信息时需要带登录信息
	def get_illust(self, illust_id, require_auth=False):

	# 用户作品列表
	# id: author id
	def get_member(self, id, p=1):

	# [需鉴权]用户收藏 (新版客户端已使用 PAPI/users/favorite_works 代替)
	def get_bookmark(self, id, p=1):

	# 用户资料 (新版客户端已使用 PAPI/users 代替)
	# level: 3
	def get_user(self, user_id, level=3, require_auth=False):

	# 标记书签的用户
	# illust_id: target illust
	# p: page
	def get_illust_bookmarks(self, illust_id, p):

	# 关注
	# id: author id
	# p: [1-n]
	# rest: "show"
	def get_bookmark_user_all(self, id, p=1, rest="show"):

	# 好P友
	# id: authorId
	# p: [1-n]
	def get_mypixiv_all(self, id, p):



# [需鉴权]
class Pixiv_PAPI(object):

	def bad_words(self):

	# 作品详细
	def works(self, illust_id):

	# 用户资料
	def users(self, author_id):

	# 我的订阅
	def me_feeds(self, show_r18=1):

	# 用户收藏
	def users_favorite_works(self, author_id, page=1, per_page=30):


Feel free to use, reuse and abuse the code in this project.