
[mirror] Just a Project Generator

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Just a Project Generator

Alpha State

A project generator using just

To use this tool, you may need the knowledge of just and shell script (However, just let you run script using many other languages).


  1. fully customizable

  2. simple and there is no extra grammar you need to learn (if you use just and write shell script)

  3. shell completion support

  4. use languages and tools you know and you like (e.g. cargo-generate for rust project)


  1. Runtime variables (like current filename, current parent directory name) are not shareable. You need to regain and process the variable values though command fd -t f -x sh -c "echo '{}'" or something else. However, if you do want to do this stuff, remember the replacement of text has order, so you can write functions like ::foo(::jpg.author.name::)::. However, it's quite limited.

  2. Don't support control flow and functions in templates. You are encouraged to process variables in your justfile. If you want to have those advanced stuffs, it's recommended to use other tools like jinja2-cli to pre-process template first in your justfile recipe. In this case, you can think JPG is just a command runner.


git clone https://github.com/Ziqi-Yang/jpg
cd jpg
sudo just install
just create-example-user-configuration

You can execute command sudo just uninstall to fully uninstall JPG.

Quick Run

After running just create-example-user-configuration at the Installation step, you have example configuration at the jpg folder at the user-specific configuration directory (for Linux, normally it's ~/.config). Take a look at the files inside it and run the following command to see the effect.

cd /tmp
# using python template (example template) to create a project named `test`
jpg python test

Override Options

You can see the full list of JPG variables using command jpg config -a. Other options for jpg config can be viewed by command jpg or jpg help

You can customize it in a file called config (if you use example configuration) at your JPG user configuration directory. This file follows the style of .env file. Here is an example:


Create your project templates

Create your template inside JPG_TEMPLATES_DIR directory(by default, it's the template directory under your JPG user configuration directory).

Also take a look at the example main.just file at your JPG user configuration directory. You can utilize builtin functions defined defined in lib.just file.

Utility Tools

  • fd: A simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to 'find'.

  • sd: Intuitive find & replace CLI (sed alternative).

  • ripgrep: ripgrep recursively searches directories for a regex pattern while respecting your gitignore.

  • jinja2-cli: CLI for Jinja2.

  • fzf: 🌸 A command-line fuzzy finder.

Easy to use TUI libraries

If you write your justfile recipe in languages like python, golang, etc. You may want to use these TUI libraries:

  1. rich python

  2. bubbletea golang


How can share my template with others?

  1. Upload your template to an online open source project hosting service. (it's better to name it using jpg- prefix).

  2. Share your corresponding justfile recipe.
    Example recipe:

    python name: && (jpg-replace-builtin name)
         git clone https://github.com/Ziqi-Yang/jpg.git name

    Or you can share your justfile (only with the related parts). Others can import it.

I don't want to store my secret in ~/.config/jpg/config file. Where should I store my secret?

Suppose you have make a git repo for synchronize your templates. Since config file is also used to change the values of JPG variables, it's not recommended to store your secrets. There are possibly two approaches:

  1. create another justfile to store your secrets into variables, import the justfile in your main.just and put the filename into your .gitignore.

  2. Store it in another environment file. In your related justfile recipes, write this:\

         #!/usr/bin/env sh
         source <path>/.env

Why JPG uses ::variable_name:: as its builtin template style, instead of something like {{variable_name}}?

First pls note that you can change the builtin template style by setting variables JPG_TEMP_BEGIN_SYM and JPG_TEMP_END_SYM.

Why not {{variable_name}}

  1. collision with just's templating style (i.e. {{just_variable}}). Also, currently just (1.25.2) will also interpret all {{

characters as variable start. So if JPG uses {{variable_name}} style, then we needs to write stuffs like {{{{variable_name}}}}.

  1. jpg-replace-builtin function uses fd -x (or fd --exec), and fd -x will interpret {{ as { (it's its own style of escaping { character).

If JPG uses {{variable_name}} style, then combining with the first caveat, we need to write stuffs like {{{{{{{{variable_name}}}}

  1. Avoid collision with popular template languages like jinja.

Why not [[variable_name]]

jpg-replace-builtin uses sed (and you may also want to use it), and sed can only handle regexp replacement, such that we need to escape [.

Example Script File explaining the choose of different templating styles

For template:

Python 3.11.8

We write this script:

# create a python project (example)
python1 name: (jpg-copy-template name "python") && (jpg-replace-builtin name)
    #!/usr/bin/env sh
    # use 'set -eux' to print the steps
    set -eu
    PYTHON_VERSION=$(python3 --version)
    # 1. 'just' will replace variables inside double brackets. And it will
    # also replace any 2x'{' in script to '{' (but not '}}'). use '{{{{' to escape.
    # example: see `V_PYTHON_VERSION` variable
    # 2. then fd will replace things like '{}' (see '--exec' help), and treat
    #   2x'{' as '{', 2x'}' as '}' (escape).

    # 3. since we are in sh shell script, variables with syntax like ${} will be
    #   replaced with the variables we defined previous in this justfile block
    # 4. to use variables inside the inner sh block, we need to escape
    # dollar character like '\${HOME}'. Note only variables in double quote will
    # be interpreted by sh.
    fd -t f -x sh -c "
      sed -i \
        -e \"s&Python 3.11.8&${PYTHON_VERSION}&g\" \
        -e \"s&{{V_PYTHON_VERSION}}&${PYTHON_VERSION}&g\" \
        -e \"s&{{{{{{{{PYTHON_VERSION}}}}&${PYTHON_VERSION}&g\" \