Code Health

This game is part of r/RoguelikeDev Does The Complete Roguelike Tutorial game jam hosted by aaron_ds on roguelikedev

r/RoguelikeDev Does The Complete Roguelike Tutorial

RoguelikeDev Does the Complete Roguelike Tutorial Event Logo

At r/roguelikedev we're doing a dev-along following The Complete Roguelike Tutorial.

Basic info

I'm using the BearLibTerminal library, also known as blt. It handles the graphics and can do multiple tiles in one terminal cell as opposed to libtcod (so you can have a character tile on a terrain tile).

Basic roguelike stuff is being handled by the venerable libtcod.

Running the game

You need to have Python 2.7.10 or higher and run pip install bearlibterminal. I will look into providing a bundled blt version, but that will come later.

For saving/loading to work, you need to run pip install jsonpickle.

Other participants that use BearLibTerminal
