
This is a plug-in for Endless Sky that provides the player with a new starting scenario wherein they start with a modified Lampyrid

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Have you ever wanted to start Endless Sky flying something a bit more unique than the typical shuttle, starbarge, or sparrow? Have you dreamed of having a pilot that starts their career with an old ship they've been fixing up for the past few years? Well, Lampyrid Start does that.

Choosing this starts has your pilot start their career flying a slightly modified version of the Lampyrid, which is a decent balanced transport/freighter with the capacity to be fairly fast compared to others of its class.

Be warned, however, that all is not peace, prosperity, and clear skies: Despite the tweak adding an anti-missile turret to the Lampyrid, it has sufficient cargo capacity to attract pirates on a semi-regular basis. Possibly even on your first launch. So you will have to be alert, and probably need to see about either upgrading your ship to be faster; or replacing the AM with a more intimidating turret.

So long as you can avoid the pirates, this will be an easier and faster start than the standard ones. The pirate risk can make it a little riskier and slightly more challenging, though. Just think of them as Reavers, and it'll be just like flying in the Firefly universe.

This plugin adds four starts:

  • Normal start, which is identical to the usual new pilot experience except starting with a "Lampyrid Mk. III" ship.
  • 3011 start, which is identical to the normal start, except you start one year early. This means you have a year to get used to the galaxy before the war starts.
  • 3010 start, which is identical to the normal start, except you start two years early.
  • 3011 no-loan start. This start has you begin a year early compared to the default ES new game, and instead of starting with a loan, you just have 10k credits and your "Lampyrid Mk. III" spaceship.

Copyright Zitchas @ 2021 Copyright Zitchas @ 2022