
Primary LanguageC


  1. Windows

The program was developed with the assistance of CodeBlocks IDE. To generate the executable on the platform,
just open the project file – Labirinto.cbp in CodeBlocks and have compile / build the project. In the IDE will
own the means of implementing the output file, but the project folder you can also locate the *.exe.

  1. Mac OS

Not supported yet.

  1. Linux

To build the program on the Linux platform, you need some libraries installed on your system. Among them is
valid highlight of OpenGL and audio (ALUT and OpenAL). In the folder where the source files, you can find the
makefile. In the terminal, just run the command “make run” in the directory containing the makefile to compile
the files and start the program correctly. If any of the required libraries are not installed, it will be seen
the list of warnings/errors, guiding which library should be installed. It is valid to remember that to install
the libraries for this purpose on the Linux platform, you should seek the names with the suffix “-dev”, thereby
ensuring that the necessary files will be installed. The compilation will be done on silent mode.

  • Example of compiling
puts	$ make
	System: Linux OS
	Run Amaze.out

	$ make check 
	Checking if all dev packages are installed
	opengl [OK]
	openal [OK]
	glut [OK]
	glui [OK]
	alut [OK]
	glee [OK]