
Nftables snippets examples to handle filtering, NAT, mangling and other networking tasks.


Nftables learning

#4.3.1 - counter.conf

#counter for incoming

#counts and drops any traffic not covered by an earlier rule
counter drop

#4.3.2 icmp.conf

#gdzie 56 to numer grupy
ip saddr icmp type echo-request counter accept	

#4.3.3 netcat.conf

tcp dport { 80,443 } ct state new counter accept 

#4.3.4 output.conf

    chain outgoing {
        type filter hook output priority 0; policy accept;

#4.3.5 external.conf

 ip daddr eti.pg.edu.pl tcp dport { 80,443 } counter reject 

#5.1.1 nat.conf

 chain postrouting {
        type nat hook postrouting priority 100; 
        # - network of docker machine 
        #enp0s3 - internet interface
        # - ip of computer that have connection to internet
        ip saddr oif enp0s3 snat 

#5.1.2 Ipv6 nat.conf

 #12 - group #enp0s3 - existing interface of internet, ~ eth0
ip6 saddr FD00:12::/64 oif enp0s3 snat 2001:4070:11:204::11:12


  chain forwarding {
        type filter hook forward priority 0; policy drop;


    chain incoming {
        type nat hook input priority 0; policy drop
        icmpv6 type { nd-neighbor-solicit, nd-router-advert } counter accept

   chain forwarding {
        type filter hook forward priority 0; policy drop;
        ct state { established,related } accept
        #1172.17.0 docker group
        ip saddr accept

        #12 - group
        ip6 saddr FD00:12::/64 accept