
The reproduce of paper "Continual Vision-Language Representation Learning with Off-Diagonal Information ".(Mod-X)

Primary LanguagePython


The reproduce of paper "Continual Vision-Language Representation Learning with Off-Diagonal Information" in ICML 2023.

After communicating with collaborators, I have open-sourced the experimental code in this paper, which is based on the COCO and Flickr30K datasets, as an individual. And this code has not been adapted for multi-node large-scale experiments.

This repository includes the following four sections:

  • traditional continual finetuning: Continual_Training
  • Joint train with all data/ traditional pretraining:Joint_Train
  • Model's linear evaluation based on the DDP: linear_evaluation_ddp
  • Continual learning based on Mod-X:ModX_Training


You can choose to use the model provided by OpenAI as the starting model or configure the initial model parameters using your own YAML parameter file. In this repository, I used the following parameters:

  embed_dim : 1024
  image_resolution : 224
  vision_layers : [3, 4, 6, 3]
  vision_width : 64
  vision_patch_size : 0 # ideally it should be none
  context_length : 77
  vocab_size : 49408
  transformer_width : 512
  transformer_heads : 8
  transformer_layers : 6 # 12 in CLIP

  embed_dim : 512
  image_resolution : 224
  vision_layers : 12
  vision_width : 768
  vision_patch_size : 32 # ideally it should be none
  context_length : 77
  vocab_size : 49408
  transformer_width : 512
  transformer_heads : 8
  transformer_layers : 12 # 12 in CLIP


Joint training:

cd ./Joint_Train

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=$gpu_id$ python pre_train_model.py 
--coco_train_img_dir $coco_img_path$ \
--coco_train_annotation_file $coco_caption_path$ \
--flickr30k_train_img_dir $f30k_img_path$ \
--flickr30k_train_annotation_file $f30k_caption_path$ \
--num_train_epochs 35 --train_dir $path_log$ \
--saved_checkpoints $save_checkpoint_path$ \
--params_weight_decay 1e-2 \
--params_eps 1e-5 \
--params_lr 5e-4 \
--per_gpu_train_batch_size 70

Alternatively, you can also directly use 'bash train.sh' within the 'Joint_Train' directory.

Continual training:

Using Joint_Training to obtain a trained/pretrained model on a specific dataset and save it to the path: /path/checkpoint/.

cd ./Continual_Training
bash cl_5phase.sh
And - `--checkpoint_path`  is old model's checkpoint path

If you want to train ViT, you just need to add args:

--model_name ViT

Continual Mod-X training:

Using Joint_Training to obtain a trained/pretrained model on a specific dataset and save it to the path: /path/checkpoint/.

cd ./ModX_Training
bash modx_5phase.sh
And - `--checkpoint_path`  is old model's checkpoint path

If you want to train ViT, you just need to add args:

--model_name ViT


If you want to evaluate the linear separability of the CLIP model's visual encoder representations, you can

cd ./linear_evaluation_ddp
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=$gpu_id$ python evaluate_clip.py \
--epochs 100 \
--batch-size 256 \
--lr-classifier 0.3 \
--weight-decay 1e-6 \
--print-freq 100 \
--checkpoint-dir $/path/log/$
--cnn $/path/checkpoint$ \ 
--train_dir $/path/train_imagenet/$ \ %ImageNet PATH
--val_dir $path/val_imagenet/$ %ImageNet PATH